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Focacci, F., Lodi, A., & Milano, M. (2004). Exploiting relaxations in CP. Dans Milano, M. (édit.), Constraint and integer programming (Vol. 27, p. 137-167). Lien externe
Focacci, F., Laburthe, F., & Lodi, A. (2004). Local search and constraint programming: LS and CP illustrated on a transportation problem. Dans Milano, M. (édit.), Constraint and integer programming (Vol. 27, p. 293-329). Lien externe
Focacci, F., Laburthe, F., & Lodi, A. (2003). Local search and constraint programming. Dans Glover, F., & Kochenberger, G. A. (édit.), Handbook of metaheuristics (Vol. 57, p. 369-403). Lien externe
Focacci, F., Lodi, A., & Milano, M. (2002). Embedding relaxations in global constraints for solving TSP and TSPTW. Annals of Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence, 34(4), 291-311. Lien externe
Focacci, F., Lodi, A., & Milano, M. (2002). A hybrid exact algorithm for the TSPTW. INFORMS Journal on Computing, 14(4), 403-417. Lien externe
Focacci, F., Lodi, A., & Milano, M. (2002). Mathematical programming techniques in constraint programming: a short overview. Journal of Heuristics, 8(1), 7-17. Lien externe
Focacci, F., Lodi, A., & Milano, M. (2002). Optimization-oriented global constraints. Constraints, 7(3/4), 351-365. Lien externe
Focacci, F., Laburthe, F., & Lodi, A. (juillet 2001). Local search and constraint programming [Communication écrite]. 4th Metaheuristics International Conference (MIC 2001), Porto, Portugal. Non disponible
Focacci, F., Lodi, A., & Milano, M. (septembre 2000). Cutting planes in constraint programming: an hybrid approach [Communication écrite]. 6th International Conference on Principles and Practice of Constraint Programming (CP 2000), Singapore. Lien externe
Focacci, F., Lodi, A., & Milano, M. (janvier 1999). Integration of CP and OR methods for matching problems [Communication écrite]. 1st International Workshop on Integration of AI and OR Techniques in Constraint Programming for Combinatorial Optimization Problems (CPAIOR 1999), Ferrara, Italy. Non disponible
Focacci, F., Lodi, A., Milano, M., & Vigo, D. (1999). An introduction to constraint programming. Ricerca operativa, 91. Lien externe
Focacci, F., Lodi, A., Milano, M., & Vigo, D. (1999). Solving TSP through the integration of OR and CP techniques. Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics, 1, 13-25. Lien externe
Focacci, F., Milano, M., & Lodi, A. (novembre 1999). Solving TSP with time windows with constraints [Communication écrite]. International conference on Logic programming (ICLP 1999), Las Cruces, New Mexico. Non disponible
Rousseau, L.-M., Focacci, F., Gendreau, M., & Pesant, G. (2004). Solving VRPTW with Constraint Programming Based Column Generation. Annals of Operations Research, 130(1-4), 199-216. Lien externe