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Aguiar, A., Filho, S. J., Gohring de Magalhaes, F., Casagrande, T. D., & Hessel, F. (2010, March). Hellfire: A design framework for critical embedded systems' applications [Paper]. 11th International Symposium on Quality Electronic Design (ISQED 2010), San Jose, CA, USA. External link
Filho, S. J., Aguiar, A., Gohring de Magalhaes, F., Longhi, O., & Hessel, F. (2012, May). An RTOS Methodology for NoC Based Systems' Support -- The HellfireOS Case Study [Paper]. 2nd Brazilian Conference on Critical Embedded Systems, Sao Paulo, Brazil. External link
Filho, S. J., Aguiar, A., Gohring de Magalhaes, F., Longhi, O., & Hessel, F. (2012, September). Task model suitable for dynamic load balancing of real-time applications in NoC-based MPSoCs [Paper]. 30th IEEE International Conference on Computer Design (ICCD 2012), Montreal, Qc, Canada. External link
Gohring de Magalhaes, F., Filho, S. J., Longhi, O., & Hessel, F. (2014, October). Embedded cluster-based architecture with high level support - presenting the HC-MPSoC [Paper]. 25nd IEEE International Symposium on Rapid System Prototyping, New Delhi, India. External link
Gohring de Magalhaes, F., Longhi, O., Filho, S. J., Aguiar, A., & Hessel, F. (2012, March). NoC-based platform for embedded software design: An extension of the Hellfire Framework [Paper]. 13th International Symposium on Quality Electronic Design (ISQED 2012), Santa Clara, CA, USA. External link