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Ferdosi, B., James, M., & Aubertin, M. (2015). Investigation of the Effect of Waste Rock Inclusions Configuration on the Seismic Performance of a Tailings Impoundment. Geotechnical and Geological Engineering, 33(6), 1519-1537. External link
Ferdosi, B., James, M., Aubertin, M., & Pretot, F. (2014, September). Numerical modeling of seismic table testing of tailings with and without inclusion [Paper]. 67th Canadian Geotechnical Conference (GEO 2014), Regina, Saskatchewan. Unavailable
Ferdosi, B., James, M., & Aubertin, M. (2013, September). Numerical modeling of the post-liquefaction consolidation of tailings [Paper]. GeoMontreal 2013 : 66th Canadian Geotechnical Conference, Montréal, Québec. Unavailable