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Documents dont l'auteur est "Felfoul, O."

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Nombre de documents: 4

Communication écrite

Felfoul, O., Mohammadi, M., & Martel, S. (mai 2011). In vivo magnetotactic bacteria targeting [Communication écrite]. 6th International Conference on Microtechnologies in Medicine and Biology, Lucerne, Switzerland. Non disponible

Felfoul, O., Mokrani, N., Mohammadi, M., & Martel, S. (août 2010). Effect of the chain of magnetosomes embedded in magnetotactic bacteria and their motility on Magnetic Resonance imaging [Communication écrite]. 32nd Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC 2010), Buenos Aires, Argentina. Lien externe

Martel, S., Mathieu, J.-B., Felfoul, O., Macicior, H., Beaudoin, G., Soulez, G., & Yahia, L. (septembre 2004). Adapting MRI systems to propel and guide microdevices in the human blood circulatory system [Communication écrite]. 26th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medecine and Biology Society (EMBC 2004), San Francisco. Lien externe


Aboussouan, E., Felfoul, O., Mathieu, J.-B., Beaudoin, G., & Martel, S. (mai 2006). Real-time projection based technique for tracking ferromagnetic devices [Affiche]. ISMRM 14th Scientific Meeting & Exhibition, Seattle, Wash.. Lien externe

Liste produite: 22 janvier 2025 à 15 h 08.