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Dubuc, J., Pabst, T., & Aubertin, M. (2017, October). An assessment of the hydrogeological response of the flow control layer installed on the experimental waste rock pile at the lac Tio mine [Paper]. 70th Canadian Geotechnical Conference (GeoOttawa 2017), Ottawa, Ont.. Unavailable
Martin, V., Plante, B., Bussière, B., Aubertin, M., Pabst, T., Chen, D., Bréard Lanoix, M.-L., Dubuc, J., & Dimech, A. (2017, October). Controlling water infiltration in waste rock piles: Design, construction, and monitoring of a large-scale in-situ pilot test pile [Paper]. 70th Canadian Geotechnical Conference (GeoOttawa 2017), Ottawa, Ont.. Unavailable
Dubuc, J., & Welter, G. (1961, June). Compression and Buckling Characteristics of Annealed and Aged Inconel 718 Nickel-Chromium Alloy at Temperatures up to 1400 F [Paper]. Symposium on Elevated-Temperature Compression Testing of Sheet Materials, Atlantic City, NJ, USA. External link