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Dorval-Dion, C. A., & Tavares, J. R. (2013, May). Experimental investigation of photo-initiated chemical vapor deposition (PICVD) as a potential scalable nanoparticle functionalization technology [Paper]. Surfaces Canada 2013, London, Ontario. External link
Dorval-Dion, C. A., Raphael, W., & Tavares, J. R. (2013, March). PICVD as a viable alternative for the low-cost and scalable surface functionalization of nanoparticles [Paper]. McGill-Polytechnique Chemical Engineering Research Day, Montréal, Québec. Unavailable
Dorval-Dion, C. A., & Tavares, J. R. (2012, May). Les nanoparticules à faible coût issues de la valorisation des matières résiduelles [Paper]. 80e Congrès de l'ACFAS, Montréal, Québec. Unavailable
Dorval-Dion, C. A., & Tavares, J. R. (2012, October). PhotoCVD as a viable alternative for the low-cost and scalable surface functionalization of nanoparticles [Paper]. 62e Congrès de génie chimique, Vancouver, C.-B.. Unavailable
Farhanian, D., Raphael, W., Dorval-Dion, C. A., & Tavares, J. R. (2014, March). Extraction of nanoparticles from municipal solid waste fly ash via photo-initiated chemical vapor deposition (PICVD) [Paper]. McGill-Polytechnique Chemical Engineering Research Day, Montréal, Québec. Unavailable
Farhanian, D., Raphael, W., Dorval-Dion, C. A., & Tavares, J. R. (2014, June). Single step extraction and functionalization of low-cost nanoparticles from municipal solid waste fly ash through PICVD [Paper]. Nanotech 2014, Washington, D.C.. Unavailable
Tavares, J. R., & Dorval-Dion, C. A. (2013, October). High-wavelength, low-energy photochemical surface engineering [Paper]. 2nd International Conference and Exhibition on Material Science & Engineering, Las Vegas, Nevada. External link