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Dion, M., & Marleau, G. (2016). Sensitivity of cross sections to isotopic densities for subgroup resonance self-shielding calculations. Nuclear Science and Engineering, 183(2), 261-274. External link
Dion, M., & Marleau, G. (2015). Eigenvalue implicit sensitivity to self-shielding calculations in heterogeneous geometries. Nuclear Science and Engineering, 179(2), 186-198. External link
Dion, M., & Marleau, G. (2014, September). A collision probability based method to compute cross sections sensitivities for the subgroup self-shielding technique [Paper]. ANS Reactor Physics Topical Meeting (PHYSOR), Kyoto, Japan. Unavailable
Dion, M., & Marleau, G. (2013, May). Resonance self-shielding effects on eigenvalue sensitivity [Paper]. International Conference on Mathematics and Computational Methods Applied to Nuclear Science and Engineering, M and C 2013, Sun Valley, ID, United states. Unavailable
Dion, M., & Marleau, G. (2009, May). Comparison of probabilistic and deterministic error propagation calculations in DRAGON [Paper]. International Conference on Mathematics, Computational Methods and Reactor Physics 2009, Saratoga Springs, NY, United states. Unavailable