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Harbi, S., Margni, M., Loerincik, Y., & Dettling, J. (2015). Life cycle management as a way to operationalize sustainability within organizations. In Sonnemann, G., & Margni, M. (eds.), Life Cycle Management (pp. 23-33). Available
Koffler, C., Dettling, J., East, C., Finkbeiner, M., Galeano, S. F., Geyer, R., Goedkoop, M. J., Hawkins, T. R., Hensler, C. D., Horvath, A., Humbert, S., Kaufman, S. M., Landis, A. E., Laurin, L., Lesage, P., Margni, M., Martchek, K., Matthews, H. S., Meil, J. K., ... Wagner, C. (2013). Declaration of concern—an unambiguous rebuttal of the LEO-SCS-002 draft standard. International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment, 18(2), 302-305. Available
Dettling, J., & Margni, M. (2009). Comparative Environmental Life Cycle Assessment of Hand Drying Systems: The XLERATOR Hand Dryer, Conventional Hand Dryers and Paper Towel Systems. (Technical Report). External link