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Matenine, D., Côté, G., Mascolo-Fortin, J., Goussard, Y., & Després, P. (2018). System matrix computation vs storage on GPU: A comparative study in cone beam CT. Medical Physics, 45(2), 579-588. External link
Maneval, D., Bouchard, H., Ozell, B., & Després, P. (2017). Abstract ID: 104 Efficiency improvement in proton dose calculations with an equivalent restricted stopping power formalism. Physica Medica, 42(Supplement), 22-23. External link
Maneval, D., Bouchard, H., Ozell, B., & Després, P. (2017). Efficiency improvement in proton dose calculations with an equivalent restricted stopping power formalism. Physics in Medicine & Biology, 63(1), 16 pages. External link
Matenine, D., Mascolo-Fortin, J., Goussard, Y., & Després, P. (2015). Evaluation of the OSC-TV iterative reconstruction algorithm for cone-beam optical CT. Medical Physics, 42(11), 6376-6386. External link
Hissoiny, S., D'Amours, M., Ozell, B., Després, P., & Beaulieu, L. (2012). Sub-second high dose rate brachytherapy Monte Carlo dose calculations with bGPUMCD. Medical Physics, 39(7), 4559-4567. External link
Maneval, D., Ozell, B., & Després, P. (2015, June). pGPUMCD, a GPU-based Monte Carlo proton transport code [Paper]. World Congress on Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering, Toronto, Ontario. Unavailable
Maneval, D., Ozell, B., & Després, P. (2014, June). Challenges in implementing a GPU-based Monte Carlo transport code for proton dose calculations [Paper]. International Workshop on Monte Carlo Techniques in Medical Physics (MCW14), Québec, Canada. Unavailable
Bonenfant, É., Magnoux, V., Hissoiny, S., Ozell, B., Beaulieu, L., & Després, P. (2014, June). Fast GPU-based Monte Carlo dose calculations for permanent prostate implant [Paper]. International Workshop on Monte Carlo Techniques in Medical Physics (MCW14), Québec, Canada. Unavailable
Bonenfant, É., Magnoux, V., Hissoiny, S., Ozell, B., Beaulieu, L., & Després, P. (2014, April). Fast GPU-based Monte Carlo dose calculations for permanent prostate implants [Paper]. 33rd Annual Meeting of the European Society for Therapeutic Radiology and Oncology (ESTRO 2014), Vienna, Austria. Published in Radiotherapy and Oncology, 111(Supp. 1). External link
Maneval, D., Ozell, B., & Després, P. (2014, February). Implementation of a GPU Monte Carlo protons transport code for dose calculations : methods and challenges [Paper]. International Conference on Translational Research in Radio-Oncology and Physics for Health in Europe (ICTR-PHE 2014), Geneva, Switzerland. Unavailable
Magnoux, V., Després, P., & Ozell, B. (2014, June). A multi-GPU approach to GPU-based Monte Carlo dose calculations [Paper]. International Workshop on Monte Carlo Techniques in Medical Physics (MCW14), Québec, Canada. Unavailable
Hissoiny, S., Després, P., Beaulieu, L., Raaymakers, B., & Ozell, B. (2013, May). GPUMCD : status update on the work since ICCR 2010. [Paper]. 17th International Conference on the Use of Computers in Radiation Therapy (ICCR 2013), Melbourne, Australie. Unavailable
Hissoiny, S., D'Amours, M., Ozell, B., Després, P., & Beaulieu, L. (2012, May). Fast Monte Carlo HDR dose calculations with bGPUMCD [Paper]. World Brachytherapy Congress, Barcelone, Espagne. Unavailable
Hissoiny, S., Després, P., & Ozell, B. (2010, May). GPUMCD, a new GPU-oriented Monte Carlo dose calculation platform [Paper]. 16th International Conference on the Use of Computers in Radiation Therapy (ICCR 2010), Amsterdam, The Netherlands. Unavailable
Després, P., Gariépy, J.-P., Carrier, J.-F., Hissoiny, S., Ozell, B., Beaulieu, L., & Verhaegen, F. (2010, May). Improving the accuracy of TG-43 dose calculations for low-dose rate brachytherapy with GPU-based raytracing [Paper]. 16th International Conference on the Use of Computers in Radiation Therapy (ICCR 2010), Amsterdam, The Netherlands. Unavailable
Hissoiny, S., Ozell, B., & Després, P. (2009, April). Accélération des calculs de dose en radiothérapie à l'aide de matériel graphique [Paper]. Association Québécoise de Physicien(ne)s Médicaux Cliniques (AQPMC09). Unavailable
Arhjoul, L., Hissoiny, S., Ozell, B., & Després, P. (2009, August). Acceleration of a pencil-beam dose calculation algorithm with graphics processing units [Paper]. 10th Biennial ESTRO Conference on Physics and Radiation Technology for Clinical Radiotherapy, Maastricht, Netherlands. Unavailable
Gariépy, J.-P., Hissoiny, S., Ozell, B., & Després, P. (2009, April). Calculs de dose rapides pour la curiethérapie en milieu hétérogène sur GPU [Paper]. Association Québécoise de Physicien(ne)s Médicaux Cliniques (AQPMC09). Unavailable
Després, P., Hissoiny, S., Gariépy, J.-P., & Ozell, B. (2009, September). Fast dose calculations in radiation therapy with GPUs [Paper]. World Congress on Medical and Biomedical Engineering, Munich , Germany. External link