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Daviau-Desnoyers, D., Charron, J.-P., Massicotte, B., Rossi, P., & Tailhan, J.-L. (2016). Characterization of macrocrack propagation under sustained loading in steel fibre reinforced concrete. Materials and Structures, 49(3), 969-982. External link
Daviau-Desnoyers, D., Charron, J.-P., Massicotte, B., Rossi, P., & Tailhan, J.-L. (2016). Influence of Reinforcement Type on Macrocrack Propagation under Sustained Loading in Steel Fibre Reinforced Concrete. Structural Concrete, 17(5), 736-746. External link
Daviau-Desnoyers, D. (2015). Caractérisation et modélisation de l'évolution de la fissuration des bétons renforcés de fibres sous charge soutenue [Ph.D. thesis, École Polytechnique de Montréal]. Available
Rossi, P., Daviau-Desnoyers, D., & Tailhan, J. L. (2015). Analysis of cracking in steel fibre-reinforced concrete (SFRC) structures in bending using probabilistic modelling. Structural Concrete, 16(3), 381-388. External link
Tailhan, J.-L., Rossi, P., & Daviau-Desnoyers, D. (2015). Probabilistic numerical modelling of cracking in steel fibre reinforced concretes (SFRC) structures. Cement and Concrete Composites, 55, 315-321. External link