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Dagenais, A.-M., Mbonimpa, M., Bussière, B., & Aubertin, M. (2012). A modified oxygen consumption test to evaluate gas flux through oxygen barrier cover systems. Geotechnical Testing Journal, 35(1), 150-158. External link
Bussière, B., Potvin, R., Dagenais, A.-M., Aubertin, M., Maqsoud, A., & Cyr, J. (2009). Restauration du site minier Lorraine, Latulipe, Québec : résultats de 10 ans de suivi. Déchets, Sciences et Technique, 54, 49-64. External link
Bussière, B., Potvin, R., Dagenais, A.-M., Aubertin, M., Maqsoud, A., & Cyr, J. (2008, November). Restauration du site minier Lorraine, Latulipe, Québec résultats de 10 ans de suivi [Paper]. Symposium 2008 sur l'environnement et les mines, Rouyn-Noranda, Canada. Unavailable
Aubertin, M., Molson, J., Bussière, B., Dagenais, A.-M., & Thomas, H. R. (2006, June). Investigations of layered cover systems acting as oxygen barriers to limit acid mine drainage [Paper]. 5th ICEG Environmental Geotechnics : Opportunities, Challenges and Responsibilities for Environmental Geotechnics, Cardiff, UK. External link
Chapuis, R. P., Mbonimpa, M., Dagenais, A.-M., & Aubertin, M. (2006). A linear graphical method to predict the effect of compaction on the hydraulic conductivity of clay liners and covers. Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment, 65(1), 93-98. External link
Martin, V., Aubertin, M., Bussière, B., Mbonimpa, M., Dagenais, A.-M., & Gosselin, M. (2006, March). Measurement of oxygen consumption and diffusion in exposed and covered reactive mine tailings [Paper]. 7th International Conference on Acid Rock Drainage, St-Louis, MO. External link
Dagenais, A.-M., Aubertin, M., & Bussière, B. (2006). Parametric study on the water content profiles and oxidation rates in nearly saturated tailings above the water table. Journal American Society of Mining and Reclamation, 2006(2), 405-420. External link
Dagenais, A.-M., Aubertin, M., Bussière, B., & Martin, V. (2023, November). Large scale applications of covers with capillary barrier effects to control the production of acid mine drainage [Paper]. Post-mining, Nancy, France. External link
Dagenais, A.-M. (2005). Techniques de contrôle du drainage minier acide basées sur les effets capillaires [Ph.D. thesis, École Polytechnique de Montréal]. Available
Mbonimpa, M., Aubertin, M., Dagenais, A.-M., Bussière, B., Julien, M.., & Kissiova, M. (2002, January). Interpretation of field tests to determine the oxygen diffusion and reaction rate coefficients of tailings and soil covers [Paper]. 55th can geotech. conference - 3rd joint international association of hydrogeologists - can. nat. chapter- can. geotech. society (IAH-CNC/CGS), Niagara Falls. Unavailable
Bussière, B., Dagenais, A.-M., Mbonimpa, M., & Aubertin, M. (2002, January). Modification of oxygen-consumption testing for the evaluation of oxygen barrier performance [Paper]. 55th can geotech. conference - 3rd joint international association of hydrogeologists - can. nat. chapter- can. geotech. society (IAH-CNC/CGS), Niagara Falls. Unavailable