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Balazinski, M., Czogala, E., Jemielmak, K., & Leski, J. (2002). Tool condition monitoring using artificial intelligence methods. Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, 15(1), 73-80. External link
Balazinski, M., Czogala, E., Leski, J., Drwal, G., Czabanski, R., & Kowalczyk, R. (1998, September). Decision support system Fuzzy-Flou with improved defuzzification methods as a tool for fuzzy control [Paper]. 6th European Congress on Intelligent Techniques and Soft Computing (EUFIT 1998), Aachen, Germany. Unavailable
Balazinski, M., Czogala, E., Crwal, G., Kowalczyk, R., & Leski, J. (1998, January). Fuzzy decision support system FUZZY-FLOU-the tool processing imperfect information [Paper]. World Automation Congress, Anchorage, Alaska, USA. Unavailable
Balazinski, M., Czogala, E., & Sadowski, T. (1997). Application of neural and fuzzy logic controllers to control selected mechanical systems. Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems, 5(2), 139-153. External link
Balazinski, M., Boyer, H., Czogala, E., & Drwal, G. (1997, July). Constructive and destructive fuzzy decision support system (FDSS) processing uncertain information [Paper]. 6th IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems (FUZZ-IEEE 1997), Barcelona, Spain. External link
Balazinski, M., Boyer, H., Czogala, E., & Drwal, G. (1997, September). Extended FDSS FUZZY-FLOU - the tool for processing uncertain knowledge [Paper]. 5th European Congress on Intelligent Techniques and Soft Computing (EUFIT 1997), Aachen, Germany. Unavailable
Balazinski, M., Czogala, E., Mayer, J. R. R., & Shen, Y. (1997, January). Pre-travel compensation of kinematic touch trigger probes using fuzzy decision support system [Paper]. 7th IFSA World Congress, Prague. Unavailable
Balazinski, M., Boyer, H., & Czogala, E. (1996, January). Application of fuzzy intelligent control to an automatic parachute guiding system [Paper]. 4th International Fuzzy Systems and Intelligent Control Conference, Maui, Hawaii. Unavailable
Balazinski, M., Czogala, E., Drwal, G., & Mrozek, M. (1996, September). Fuzzy decision support system "FUZZY-FLOU" operating uncertain knowledge [Paper]. 5th IEEE International Fuzzy Systems, New Orleans, Louisiana. External link
Balazinski, M., Czogala, E., Drwal, A., & Mrozek, A. (1996). Processing of uncertain knowledge in fuzzy decision support system fuzzy-flou. Archives of theoretical and applied computer science, Polish academy of sciences, 8(1-2), 63-74. Unavailable
Balazinski, M., Czogala, E., & Gravelle, S. (1995, March). Automatic tool selection using a fuzzy decision support system [Paper]. IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems, Yokohama, Japan. External link
Balazinski, M., & Czogala, E. (1995). Neural networks and their application to machining processes. Prace Naukowe Instytutu Technologii Maszyn i Automatyzacji Politechniki Wroclawskiej, Seria: Konferencje, 22, 44-58. Unavailable
Balazinski, M., Bellerose, M., & Czogala, E. (1994). Application of fuzzy logic techniques to the selection of cutting parameters in machining processes. Fuzzy Sets and Systems, 63(3), 307-317. External link
Balazinski, M., & Czogala, E. (1994, January). Application of neural networks to selection of operating parameters in machining processes [Paper]. 1st National Conference of Neural Networks, Kule, Poland. Unavailable
Balazinski, M., Bellerose, M., & Czogala, E. (1994, January). Choice and modification of cutting parameters in machining processes using fuzzy decision support system (fdss) [Paper]. 32nd Symposium on Modelling in Mechanics, Poland. Unavailable
Balazinski, M., Bellerose, M., & Czogala, E. (1994, January). Choice of cutting parameters in machining using fuzzy logic methods [Paper]. CSME Forum, Montréal, Québec. Unavailable
Balazinski, M., Czogala, E., & Kajl, S. (1994, June). Fuzzy control of ventilation process in air-ventilated closed areas with emission of noxious gasses [Paper]. 3rd IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems, Orlando, FL, USA. External link
Balazinski, M., Czogala, E., & Gravelle, S. (1994, January). Fuzzy logic techniques in the automatic manufacturing of molds [Paper]. International Fuzzy Systems and Intelligent Control Conference, Louisville, KY, USA. Unavailable
Balazinski, M., Czogala, E., Kajl, S., & Roberge, M. A. (1994, January). FUZZY prediction of building cooling load [Paper]. CSME Forum, Montréal, Québec. Unavailable
Balazinski, M., Mascle, C., & Czogala, E. (1994, August). Selection of the best assembly sequences using fuzzy logic [Paper]. 10th ISPE/IFAC International Conference on CAD/CAM: Robotics and Factories of the Future, Ottawa, Ont., Canada. Unavailable
Balazinski, M., Bellerose, M., & Czogala, E. (1993, July). Decision support system for cutting parameters selection in machining processes using fuzzy knowledge [Paper]. 5th IFSA world Congress, Seoul, Korea. External link
Dupinet, É., Balazinski, M., & Czogala, E. (1996). Tolerance allocation based on fuzzy and simulated annealing. Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing, 7(6), 1-11. External link
Kajl, S., Balazinski, M., & Czogala, E. (1997, July). Evaluation of school buildings energy consumption using fuzzy assistant operating uncertain knowledge [Paper]. 6th IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems (FUZZ IEEE 1997), Barcelona, Spain. External link
Kajl, S., Malinowski, P., Czogala, E., & Balazinski, M. (1995, January). Applying the new tools to the building heating load prediction [Paper]. 2nd International Conference on Indoor Air Quality, Ventilation and Energy Conservation in Buildings, Montréal, Québec. Unavailable
Kajl, S., Malinowski, P., Czogala, E., & Balazinski, M. (1995, January). Fuzzy logic and neural networks a approach to thermal description of buildings [Paper]. 3rd European Congress on Intelligent Techniques and Soft Computing (EUFIT 1995), Aachen, Germany. Unavailable
Kajl, S., Malinowski, P., Czogala, E., & Balazinski, M. (1995, March). Prediction of building thermal performance using fuzzy decision support system [Paper]. FUZZ-IEEE/IFES 1995, Yokohama, Japan. External link
Kajl, S., Czogala, E., Balazinski, M., & Roberge, M. A. (1994, January). Rooms temperature stabilisation using a fuzzy approach [Paper]. Healthy Buildings 1994 CIB-ISIAQ-HAS conference, Budapest, Hungary. Unavailable
Mascle, C., Balazinski, M., & Czogala, E. (1994, January). Fuzzy logic selection process for assembly sequences [Paper]. CSME Forum, Montréal, Québec. Unavailable