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Consoli, N. C., Silva, J. P. S., Wagner, A. C., Carvalho, J. V. A., Baudet, B. A., Coop, M. R., Filho, H. C. S., Carvalho, I., de Sousa, G. M., & Cacciari, P. (2023). Critical state analysis of two compacted filtered iron ore tailings with different gradings and mineralogy at different stages of treatment. Acta Geotechnica, 18 pages. External link
Silva, J. P. S., Carvalho, J. V. A., Wagner, A. C., Cacciari, P., & Consoli, N. C. (2023). On the mechanics of filtered compacted consolidated and overconsolidated iron ore tailings at high pressures. Canadian Geotechnical Journal, 7 pages. External link
Wagner, A. C., Silva, J. P. S., Carvalho, J. V. A., Rissoli, A. L. C., Cacciari, P., Chaves, H. M., Filho, H. C. S., & Consoli, N. C. (2023). Mechanical behavior of iron ore tailings under standard compression and extension triaxial stress paths. Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, 15(7), 1883-1894. Available