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Beron, F., Clime, L., Ciureanu, M., Ménard, D., Cochrane, R. W., & Yelon, A. (2007). Reversible and quasireversible information in first-order reversal curve diagrams. Journal of Applied Physics, 101(9), 9J107-9J107. External link
Béron, F., Clime, L., Ciureanu, M., Ménard, D., Cochrane, R. W., & Yelon, A. (2006). First-order reversal curves diagrams of ferromagnetic soft nanowire arrays. IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, 42(10), 3060-3062. External link
Carignan, L.-P., Massicotte, M., Cochrane, R. W., & Ménard, D. (2008, June). Concept of signal rod compensation for low magnetic moment sample measurements with a vibrating sample magnetometer [Paper]. European magnetic sensors and actuators conference (EMSA 2008), Caen, France. Published in Sensor Letters, 7(3). External link
Carignan, L.-P., Cochrane, R. W., & Ménard, D. (2008). Design of a Compensated Signal Rod for Low Magnetic Moment Sample Measurements With a Vibrating Sample Magnetometer. Review of Scientific Instruments, 79(3). External link