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Cigana, P., Benoit, V., Tremblay, A., & Favis, B. D. (1997, April). Detection of block copolymer micelles in compatibilized polymer blends: An indirect method [Paper]. 1997 55th Annual Technical Conference, ANTEC, Toronto, Can. External link
Cigana, P., Favis, B. D., Albert, C., & Vu-Khanh, T. (1997). Morphology-interface-property relationships in polystyrene/ethylene-propylene rubber blends. 1. Influence of triblock copolymer interfacial modifiers. Macromolecules, 30(14), 4163-4169. External link
Cigana, P. (1995). Influence des paramètres moléculaires de l'agent interfacial sur son action émulsifiante dans les mélanges polymères [Master's thesis, École Polytechnique de Montréal]. Unavailable
Favis, B. D., Cigana, P., Matos, M., & Tremblay, A. (1997). Factors influencing the efficacy of an interfacial modifier for the interface in an immiscible polymer blend. Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering, 75(2), 273-281. External link
Jack, K. S., Natansohn, A., Jiahu, W., Favis, B. D., & Cigana, P. (1998). Determination of domain sizes in compatibilized polystyrene(ps)-(ethylene-propylene rubber)(epr) blends by measurements of proton spin diffusion. Chemistry of Materials, 10(5), 1301-1308. External link