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A word cloud is a visual representation of the most frequently used words in a text or a set of texts. The words appear in different sizes, with the size of each word being proportional to its frequency of occurrence in the text. The more frequently a word is used, the larger it appears in the word cloud. This technique allows for a quick visualization of the most important themes and concepts in a text.
In the context of this page, the word cloud was generated from the publications of the author {}. The words in this cloud come from the titles, abstracts, and keywords of the author's articles and research papers. By analyzing this word cloud, you can get an overview of the most recurring and significant topics and research areas in the author's work.
The word cloud is a useful tool for identifying trends and main themes in a corpus of texts, thus facilitating the understanding and analysis of content in a visual and intuitive way.
Choi, H., Erochko, J., Christopoulos, C., & Tremblay, R. (2008, October). Comparison of the seismic response of steel buildings incorporating self-centering energy dissipative braces [Paper]. 14th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering (WCEE), Beijing, China. External link
Choi, H., Erochko, J., Christopoulos, C., & Tremblay, R. (2008). Comparison of the Seismic Response of Steel Buildings Incorporating Self-Centering Energy-Dissipative Braces, Buckling Restrained Braces and Moment-Resisting Frames. (Technical Report n° 2008-05). Unavailable
Christopoulos, C., Tremblay, R., Erochko, J., & Choi, H. Response of 2-D and 3-D buildings incorporating buckling-restrained and self-centering bracing systems [Paper]. CSCE 2008 Annual Conference, Québec. Unavailable
Christopoulos, C., Tremblay, R., Kim, H. J., & Lacerte, M. (2008). Self-Centering Energy Dissipative Bracing System for the Seismic Resistance of Structures: Development and Validation. Journal of Structural Engineering-Asce, 134(1), 96-107. External link
Christopoulos, C., Kim, H.-J., Tremblay, R., & Lacerte, M. (2006, August). An Innovative Bracing Member with Flag-Shape Hysteretic Response for Enhanced Structural Seismic Performance [Paper]. 5th International Conference STESSA, Yokohama, Japan. Unavailable
De Oliveira, J.-C., Christopoulos, C., Packer, J. A., Tremblay, R., & Gray, M. G. (2008, October). Full-scale experimental validation of standardized seismic-resistant cast steel brace connectors [Paper]. 14th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering (WCEE), Beijing, China. External link
Erochko, J., Christopoulos, C., & Tremblay, R. (2015). Design and testing of an enhanced-elongation telescoping self-centering energy-dissipative brace. Journal of Structural Engineering, 141(6), 11 pages. External link
Erochko, J., Christopoulos, C., & Tremblay, R. (2015). Design, testing, and detailed component modeling of a high-capacity self-centering energy-dissipative brace. Journal of Structural Engineering, 141(8), 12 pages. External link
Erochko, J., Christopoulos, C., & Tremblay, R. (2013, June). Detailed component modelling of a self-centering energy dissipative brace system [Paper]. 4th International Conference on Computational Methods in Structural Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering (COMPDYN 2013) & 4th ECCOMAS thematic Conference on Computational Methods in Structural Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, Kos Island, Greece. External link
Erochko, J., Christopoulos, C., Tremblay, R., & Kim, H. J. (2013). Shake Table Testing and Numerical Simulation of a Self-Centering Energy Dissipative Braced Frame. Earthquake Engineering & Structural Dynamics, 42(11), 1617-1635. External link
Erochko, J., Christopoulos, C., Choi, H., & Tremblay, R. (2011). Residual drift response of SMRFs and BRB frames in steel buildings designed according to ASCE 7-05. Journal of Structural Engineering, 137(5), 589-599. External link
Erochko, J., Christopoulos, C., & Tremblay, R. (2007, June). Seismic response of an RC frame hospital building equipped with friction damping braces and with self-centering energy dissipative (SCED) braces [Paper]. ECCOMAS Thematic Conference on Computational Methods in Structural Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, Crete, Greece. Unavailable
Mansour, N., Shen, Y., Christopoulos, C., & Tremblay, R. (2008, October). Cyclic experimental evaluation of nonlinear replaceable links in eccentrically braced frames and moment resisting frames [Paper]. 14th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering (WCEE), Beijing, China. External link
Tremblay, R., St-Onge, E., Rogers, C. A., Morrison, T., Légeron, F., Desjardins, E., Tirca, L., Gray, M. G., Christopoulos, C., & Packer, J. (2011, August). Overview of ductile seismic brace fuse systems in Canada [Paper]. 6th European Conference on Steel and Composite Structures, Budapest, Hungary. Unavailable
Tremblay, R., Packer, J. A., Christopoulos, C., & De Oliveira, J.-C. (2008). Quasi-static cyclic testing of individual full-scale circular steel tubular braces equipped with cast connex high-strength connectors. (Technical Report n° SR08-05). Unavailable
Tremblay, R., Lacerte, M., & Christopoulos, C. (2008). Seismic Response of Multistory Buildings With Self-Centering Energy Dissipative Steel Braces. Journal of Structural Engineering-Asce, 134(1), 108-120. External link
Tremblay, R., Christopoulos, C., Kim, H.-J., & Lacerte, M. (2007, June). An innovative bracing member system with self-centering capabilities for improved seismic performance [Paper]. 9th Canadian Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Ottawa, Canada. External link
Tremblay, R., & Christopoulos, C. (2007, April). Self centering energy dissipating (SCED) seismic bracing [Paper]. North american Steel Construction Conference, Nashville, TN. External link