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Cheikh, F., Chavarie, C., Chaouki, J., & Ortega, R. E. (2003). Multivariable Study of Phenanthrene Adsorption in Soil-Water Systems. Ingenieria Hidraulica En Mexico, 18(2), 21-33. Unavailable
Perrier, M., Aoufoussi, H., Chaouki, J., Chavarie, C., & Dochain, D. (1992). Feedback linearizing control of a fluidized bed reactor. Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering, 70(2), 356-367. External link
Lauga, C., Chaouki, J., Klvana, D., & Chavarie, C. (1991). Improvement of the fluidisability of Ni/SiO₂ aerogels by reducing interparticle forces. Powder Technology, 65(1), 461-468. External link
Klvana, D., Chaouki, J., Kusohorsky, D., Chavarie, C., & Pajonk, G. M. (1988). Catalytic storage of hydrogen: Hydrogenation of toluene over a nickel/silica aerogel catalyst in integral flow conditions. Applied Catalysis, 42(1), 121-130. External link
Chaouki, J., Chavarie, C., Klvana, D., & Pajonk, G. (1986). Étude de l'hydrogénation sélective du cyclopentadiène sur l'aérogel Cu/Al₂O₃ fluidisé. Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering, 64(3), 440-446. External link
Chaouki, J., Chavarie, C., Klvana, D., & Pajonk, G. M. (1986). Kinetics of the selective hydrogenation of cyclopentadiene on a CuAl₂O₃ aerogel catalyst in an integral plug flow reactor. Applied Catalysis, 21(1), 187-199. External link
Chaouki, J., Chavarie, C., Klvana, D., & Pajonk, G. (1985). Effect of interparticle forces on the hydrodynamic behaviour of fluidized aerogels. Powder Technology, 43(2), 117-125. External link
Côté, M. H., Mayer, R. C., Chavarie, C., & Chaouki, J. (1992, June). Development of a lamellar flow biofilm reactor for waste water treatment [Paper]. 12th International Symposium on Chemical Reaction Engineering Today, Torino, Italy. Published in Chemical Engineering Science, 47(9). External link
Klvana, D., Chaouki, J., Lauga, C., Chavarie, C., & Kusohorsky, D. (1989, January). Study of the performance of fluidized Ni/SiO₂ aerogel for toluene hydrogenation [Paper]. 6th International Conference on Fluidization. Unavailable
Chavarie, C., Pajonk, G., Klvana, D., Chaouki, J., & Teichner, S. J. (1987, May). Hydrodynamic behavior of fluidized aerogels [Paper]. 37th Canadian Chemical Engineering Conference, Montréal, Québec. Unavailable