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Ahmed, M., Metiche, S., Masmoudi, R., Gagné, R., & Charron, J.-P. (2024). Fatigue Performance of 60-Year-Old Bridge Reinforced Concrete Girders Strengthened in Shear with CFRP Sheets. Journal of Composites for Construction, 28(6), 17 pages. External link
Abid, S., Desmettre, C., & Charron, J.-P. (2023). Containment of internal expansion caused by alkali-aggregate reaction with ultra-high performance fiber reinforced concrete. Materials and Structures/Materiaux et Constructions, 56(2), 16 pages. External link
Asselin, A., Charron, J.-P., Desmettre, C., Benboujema, F., & Olivier-Leblond, C. (2023, June). New repair approach using ultra high performance fibre reinforced concrete for structures affected by alkali aggregate reaction [Paper]. International RILEM Conference on Synergising Expertise Towards Sustainability and Robustness of Cement-based Materials and Concrete Structures (SynerCrete 2023), Milos Island, Greece (9 pages). External link
Ahmed, M., Metiche, S., Charron, J.-P., Gagné, R., & Masmoudi, R. (2023, May). Numerical analysis of RC beam externally reinforced with CFRP after freeze-thaw cycles [Paper]. CSCE annual Conference, Moncton, New Brunswick, Canada (10 pages). Unavailable
Asselin, A., Charron, J.-P., Desmettre, C., Simon-Boursier, O., & Benboujema, F. (2022, August). Évaluation du coefficient de diffusion des chlorures dans le béton armé sous chargement mécanique [Paper]. Congrès Français de Mécanique 2022, Nantes, France (10 pages). External link
Androuet, C., Deaux, O., & Charron, J.-P. (2022). Impact of mixing and curing temperatures on fresh and hardened states properties of UHPC. External link
Androuët, C., & Charron, J.-P. (2021). Shrinkage mitigation of an ultra-high performance concrete submitted to various mixing and curing conditions. Materials, 14(14), 3982 (13 pages). Available
Androuet, C., & Charron, J.-P. (2021, May). Effects of shrinkage reducing admixtures, mixing and curing conditions on the shrinkage of an ultra-high performances fiber reinforced concrete [Paper]. CSCE annual Conference (10 pages). External link
Baronet, J., Sorelli, L., Charron, J.-P., Vandamme, M., & Sanahuja, J. (2022). A two-scale method to rapidly characterize the logarithmic basic creep of concrete by coupling microindentation and uniaxial compression creep test. Cement and Concrete Composites, 125, 13 pages. External link
Beaulieu, L.-D., Charron, J.-P., Desmettre, C., Gagné, R., & Joanis, M. (2016). Promouvoir l'innovation par les marchés publics. In Joanis, M. (ed.), Le Québec économique 6: Le défi des infrastructures (pp. 327-351). External link
Braike, S., Massicotte, B., & Charron, J.-P. (2006, August). Design of prestressed concrete bridges made with high to ultra high performance fibre reinforced concrete [Paper]. 7th International Conference on Short and Medium Span Bridges, Montréal, Québec. Unavailable
Charron, J.-P., Aldea, C., Bakhshi, M., & Mobasher, B. (2021). Fiber Effect on Reducing the Permeability of Cracked Concrete Structures. (Technical Report n° PRC-544.10-21). External link
Charron, J.-P., Desmettre, C., & Androuet, C. (2020). Flexural and shear behaviors of steel and synthetic fiber reinforced concretes under quasi-static and pseudo-dynamic loadings. Construction and Building Materials, 238, 12 pages. External link
Charron, J.-P., & Cantin Bellemare, C. (2020, January). UHPFRC precast slabs and field-cast joint of the Isabey-Darnley pedestrian bridge [Paper]. 2018 ACI-fib-RILEM International Workshop FRC2018 (FRC2018) (10 pages). Published in FIB Bulletin, 95. External link
Charron, J.-P., Deaux, O., & Androuet, C. (2019, June). Impact of mixing and curing temperatures on UHPFRC properties [Paper]. 2nd International Interactive Symposium on UHPC, Albany, USA (10 pages). External link
Charron, J.-P., & Morin, R. (2019, March). Precast UHPFRC deck of the Isabey-Darnley pedestrian bridge [Presentation]. In 2019 Spring ACI Convention, Québec City, Québec. External link
Charron, J.-P., & Desmettre, C. (2019, June). UHPFRC application in the Isabey-Darnley pedestrian bridge [Presentation]. In 2nd International Interactive Symposium on UHPC, Albany, USA (10 pages). External link
Charron, J.-P., & Desmettre, C. (2018, June). Precast UHPFRC and field-cast joints of the Isabey-Darnley pedestrian bridge [Paper]. 3rd Fiber Reinforced Concrete International Workshop (FRC 2018), Desenzano, Italy (10 pages). External link
Charron, J.-P., Desmettre, C., & Cantin Bellemare, E. (2018, August). Precast UHPFRC deck of the Isabey-Darnley pedestrian bridge [Paper]. 2018 SSMB, Québec, Québec. External link
Charron, J.-P., Desmettre, C., & Androuet, C. (2017). Industrial production and in-situ performance of FRC construction barriers. (Technical Report n° ST17-06). Unavailable
Charron, J.-P., Verger-Leboeuf, S., Lachance, F., & Massicotte, B. (2017, October). New systems of precast bridge decks made with ultra-high performances fiber reinforced concretes [Paper]. International Conference UHPFRC 2 "Designing and Building with UHOFRC", Montpellier, France (10 pages). Unavailable
Charron, J.-P., & Cantin-Bellemare, E. (2017, May). Reconstruction de la passerelle Isabey-Darnley avec des dalles préfabriquées en BFUP [Paper]. 22e Colloque des ponts sur la progression de la recherche québécoise sur les ouvrages d'art, Québec, Canada. Unavailable
Charron, J.-P., & Cantin-Bellemare, E. (2017, July). Reconstruction de la passerelle Isabey-Darnley avec des dalles préfabriquées en BFUP [Paper]. 18e édition des Journées scientification du (FR2B), Québec, Qc, Canada. Unavailable
Charron, J.-P., & Verger-Leboeuf, S. (2017). Utilization of ultra-high performances fiber reinforced concretes for repairs of bridge slabs and girders. (Technical Report n° ST17-01). Unavailable
Charron, J.-P., & Verger-Leboeuf, S. (2017). Utilization of ultra-high performances fiber reinforced concretes for the design of innovative truck scales. (Technical Report n° ST17-05). Unavailable
Charron, J.-P., Desmettre, C., & Androuët, C. (2016). Utilisation de béton renforcé de fibres (BRF) pour les glissières en béton pour chantier (GBC). (Technical Report n° ST15-06). External link
Charron, J.-P., Lachance, F., & Massicotte, B. (2015, June). Bending behavior of precast bridge slabs in UHPFRC under static and cyclic loadings [Paper]. 7th RILEM workshop on High performance fiber reinforced cement composites, Stuttgart, Germany (10 pages). External link
Charron, J.-P., Lachance, F., & Massicotte, B. (2015, May). Dalles préfabriquées en bétons fibrés à hautes et ultra-hautes performances pour les ponts [Paper]. 20e colloque des ponts sur la progression de la recherche québécoise sur les ouvrages d'art, Québec, Canada. Unavailable
Charron, J.-P., Namy, M., Duchesneau, F., & Massicotte, B. (2014, July). Innovative precast HPFRC barriers for bridges [Paper]. FRC 2014 Joint ACI-fib International Workshop : from Design to Structural Applications, Montréal, Québec. External link
Charron, J.-P., Desmettre, C., & Hubert, M. (2014, December). Perméabilité à l'eau des structures en bétons renforcés de fibres : vers la proposition de critères de conception en service [Paper]. ACI-Québec Conference, Québec, Canada. Unavailable
Charron, J.-P., Androuet, C., & Willem, X. (2014). Time-dependant behaviour of concrete. (Technical Report n° ST14-01). Unavailable
Charron, J.-P., & Namy, M. (2013, May). Comportement des parapets de ponts coulés en place et préfabriqués [Paper]. 20e Colloque sur la progression de la recherche québécoise sur les ouvrages d'art, Québec, Canada. Unavailable
Charron, J.-P., & Desmettre, C. (2013). Potential use of fiber reinforced concretes for constructions of durable civil engineering infrastructure. (Technical Report n° ST13-01). Unavailable
Charron, J.-P., Niamba, E., & Massicotte, B. (2013). Precast Bridge Parapets in Ultra High Performance Fiber-Reinforced Concrete. In Designing and Building with UHPFRC (pp. 391-404). External link
Charron, J.-P., & Desmettre, C. (2013). Recommandations for the utilization of fiber reinforced concrete for the construction of infrastructures. (Technical Report n° ST13-02). Unavailable
Charron, J.-P., Damry, R., Desmettre, C., & Massicotte, B. (2013). Structural use of UHPFRC for designing PL-3 precast bridge parapets. (Technical Report n° ST13-05). External link
Charron, J.-P., Duchesneau, F., Massicotte, B., & Namy, M. (2012, May). Numerical modeling of the mechanical behavior of precast parapets for bridge decks [Paper]. Numerical Modeling Strategies of Sustainable Concrete Structures (SSCS 2012), Aix-en-Provence, France. Unavailable
Charron, J.-P., Duchesneau, F., & Massicotte, B. Static and Dynamic Behavior of Hybrid Precast Bridge Parapet Made of Ultra-High Performance Fiber Reinforced Concrete [Paper]. High Performance Fiber Reinforced Cement Composites 6. External link
Charron, J.-P., Namy, M., & Massicotte, B. (2011, August). Mechanical behavior of bridge decks with precast parapets [Paper]. International conférence RF2B, Luxembourg. Unavailable
Charron, J.-P., & Nollet, M.-J. (2011). Partial collapse of a structure in Ville-Marie Highway. (Technical Report). Unavailable
Charron, J.-P., Niamba, E., & Massicotte, B. (2011). Static and dynamic behavior of high- and ultrahigh-performance fiber-reinforced concrete precast bridge parapets. Journal of Bridge Engineering, 16(3), 413-421. External link
Charron, J.-P., Duchesneau, F., & Massicotte, B. (2011, June). Static and dynamic behavior of precast bridge parapets in ultra-high fiber reinforced concrete [Paper]. 6th International Workshop High Performance Fiber Reinforced Cement Composites, Ann Arbor, Michigan. Unavailable
Charron, J.-P. (2011). Time-dependant behaviour of concrete. (Technical Report n° ST11-01). Unavailable
Charron, J.-P., & Massicotte, B. (2009). Cracking of fibrocement panels on a building in Montréal. (Technical Report n° 08-0601 BMI Consulting). Unavailable
Charron, J.-P. (2009). Flexural resistance of fibrocement pannels. (Technical Report n° ST09-02). Unavailable
Charron, J.-P., Niamba, E., & Massicotte, B. (2009, November). Innovative precast bridge parapets in UHPFRC [Paper]. International Workshop: Designing and Building with UHPFRC, Marseille. Unavailable
Charron, J.-P., Niamba, E., & Massicotte, B. (2008, September). Design of bridge parapets made with high to ultra high performance fibre reinforced concrete [Paper]. International Conference BEFIB, Chennai, India. Unavailable
Charron, J.-P., Denarie, E., & Bruhwiler, E. (2008). Transport Properties of Water and Glycol in an Ultra High Performance Fiber Reinforced Concrete (UHPFRC) Under High Tensile Deformation. Cement and Concrete Research, 38(5), 689-698. External link
Charron, J.-P., Massicotte, B., Tremblay, R., Knoval, V., & Ghali, A. (2007). Concorde bridge collapse. (Technical Report n° SR07-06). Unavailable
Charron, J.-P., Denarié, E., & Brühwiler, E. (2007). Permeability of Ultra High Performance Fiber Reinforced Concretes (UHPFRC) Under High Stresses. Materials and Structures, 40(3), 269-277. External link
Charron, J.-P., Habel, K., Denarie, E., & Brühwiler, E. (2004, December). Utilisation des bétons fibrés ultra performants pour la réhabilitation d'ouvrages en béton armé [Paper]. Congrès de l'ACI section du Québec et de l'Est de l'Ontarion, Sherbrooke, Canada. Unavailable
Charron, J.-P. (2003). Contribution à l'étude du comportement au jeune âge des matériaux cimentaires en conditions de déformations libre et restreinte [Ph.D. thesis, Université Laval]. [Ph.D Thesis, Université Laval]. Unavailable
Desmettre, C., Charron, J.-P., & Abid, S. (2023, June). Evaluation of chloride diffusivity in reinforced concrete under tensile load [Paper]. International RILEM Conference on Synergising Expertise Towards Sustainability and Robustness of Cement-based Materials and Concrete Structures (SynerCrete 2023), Milos Island, Greece (11 pages). Unavailable
Desmettre, C., Charron, J.-P., & Gendron, F. (2021, September). Design and Performance of a Precast Bridge Barrier with Ultra-high Performance Fibre Reinforced Concrete (UHPFRC) [Paper]. 10th RILEM-FIB International Symposium on Fibre Reinforced Concrete (BEFIV 2021), Valencia, Spain. External link
Desmettre, C., & Charron, J.-P. (2021, September). Use of Steel-Fibre Reinforced Concrete to Extend Service Life of Temporary Safety Concrete Barriers [Paper]. 10th RILEM-FIB International Symposium on Fibre Reinforced Concrete (BEFIB 2021), Valencia, Spain. External link
Desmettre, C., Charron, J.-P., & Androuet, C. (2019). Utilisation of fiber reinforced concretes in construction barriers, Phase 2 - Project R571.2. (Technical Report n° SR19-07). Unavailable
Doyon-Barbant, J., & Charron, J.-P. (2018). Impact of fibre orientation on tensile, bending and shear behaviors of a steel fibre reinforced concrete. Materials and Structures, 51(6), 1-16. External link
Doyon-Barbant, J., & Charron, J.-P. (2018, July). Influence de l'orientation et de la densité des fibres sur les comportements en traction, flexion et cisaillement de bétons renforcés de fibres [Paper]. 19e édition des Journées scientification du (FR2B), Anglet, France (12 pages). Unavailable
Desmettre, C., Charron, J.-P., & Plagué, T. (2017, July). Influence du type de fibres et de leur orientation sur la fissuration et la perméabilité à l'eau du béton armé sollicité en traction [Paper]. Conférence du Regroupement francophone pour la recherche et la formation sur le béton (RF2B), Québec, Canada. Unavailable
Daviau-Desnoyers, D., Charron, J.-P., Massicotte, B., Rossi, P., & Tailhan, J.-L. (2016). Characterization of macrocrack propagation under sustained loading in steel fibre reinforced concrete. Materials and Structures, 49(3), 969-982. External link
Desnoyers, D., Charron, J.-P., & Massicotte, B. (2016, March). Creep behavior of a SFRC under service and ultimate bending loads [Paper]. International RILEM Workshop on Creep Behavior in Cracked Sections of Fiber Reinforced Concrete (FRC-CREEP 2016), Valencia, Spain. External link
Daviau-Desnoyers, D., Charron, J.-P., Massicotte, B., Rossi, P., & Tailhan, J.-L. (2016). Influence of Reinforcement Type on Macrocrack Propagation under Sustained Loading in Steel Fibre Reinforced Concrete. Structural Concrete, 17(5), 736-746. External link
Daviau-Desnoyers, D., Charron, J.-P., Massicotte, B., Rossi, P., & Tailhan, J. L. (2014, July). Propagation d'une macrofissure dans un béton renforcé de fibres sous chargement soutenu [Paper]. 15e Journées scientifiques du Regroupement Francophone pour la Recherche et la Formation sur le Béton, Douai, France. External link
Desmettre, C., Charron, J.-P., & Hubert, M. (2014, June). Water permeability of reinforced concrete structures containing fiber reinforcement [Paper]. RILEM PSC Workshop 2014, Zagreb, Croatia. External link
Delsol, S., & Charron, J.-P. (2013, October). Numerical modeling of UHPFRC mechanical behavior based on fiver orientation [Paper]. 2nd International Symposium on Ultra-High Performance Fibre-Reinforced Concrete (UHPFRC 2013), Marseille, France. External link
Desmettre, C., & Charron, J.-P. (2013). Water permeability of reinforced concrete subjected to cyclic tensile loading. ACI Materials Journal, 110(1), 79-88. External link
DeMontaignac, R., Massicotte, B., & Charron, J.-P. (2012, September). Design of large SFRC member in bending [Paper]. 8th RILEM International Symposium on Fibre Reinforced Concrete: Challenges and Opportunities (BEFID 2012), Guimaraes, Portugal. External link
De Montaignac, R., Massicotte, B., & Charron, J.-P. (2012). Design of SFRC Structural Elements: Flexural Behaviour Prediction. Materials and Structures, 45(4), 623-636. External link
De Montaignac, R., Massicotte, B., Charron, J.-P., & Nour, A. (2012). Design of SFRC structural elements: post-cracking tensile strength measurement. Materials and Structures, 45(4), 609-622. External link
Desmettre, C., & Charron, J.-P. (2012, September). Impact of cyclic loading on water permeability of reinforced concrete [Paper]. 8th RILEM International Symposium on Fibre Reinforced Concrete: Challenges and Opportunities (BEFID 2012), Guimaraes, Portugal. External link
Desmettre, C., & Charron, J.-P. (2012). Water Permeability of Reinforced Concrete With and Without Fiber Subjected to Static and Constant Tensile Loading. Cement and Concrete Research, 42(7), 945-952. External link
Duchesneau, F., Charron, J.-P., & Massicotte, B. (2011). Monolithic and hybrid precast bridge parapets in high and ultra-high performance fibre reinforced concretes. Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering, 38(8), 859-869. External link
Desmettre, C., & Charron, J.-P. (2011). Novel water permeability device for reinforced concrete under load. Materials and Structures, 44(9), 1713-1723. External link
Desmettre, C., & Charron, J.-P. (2011, January). Towards elaboration of design criteria at serviceability of fiber reinforced concrete structures [Paper]. ACI Symposium Publication 280, Tampa, FL. External link
Desmettre, C., & Charron, J.-P. (2010, August). Perméabilité à l'eau du béton armé [Paper]. International Conférence RF2B, Québec. Unavailable
Escoffres, P., Desmettre, C., & Charron, J.-P. (2018). Effect of a crystalline admixture on the self-healing capability of high-performance fiber reinforced concretes in service conditions. Construction and Building Materials, 173, 763-774. External link
Frech-Baronet, J., Sorelli, L., & Charron, J.-P. (2017). New evidences on the effect of the internal relative humidity on the creep and relaxation behaviour of a cement paste by micro-indentation techniques. Cement and Concrete Research, 91, 39-51. External link
Gendron, F., Desmettre, C. , & Charron, J.-P. (2022). Structural Behavior of Novel Precast TL-5 Bridge Barriers Using Ultrahigh-Performance Fiber-Reinforced Concretes. Journal of Bridge Engineering, 27(3), 14 pages. External link
Gendron, F., Desmettre, C., & Charron, J.-P. (2020). Design of very durable precast bridge barriers with UHPFRC, Phase 2 - Project R686.2. (Technical Report n° SR20-03). Unavailable
Gendron, F., Desmettre, C., Charron, J.-P., & Massicotte, B. (2018). Design of bridge barriers with improved durability with UHPFRC - Project R686.2. (Technical Report n° SR18-05). Unavailable
Hubert, M., Desmettre, C., & Charron, J.-P. (2015). Influence of fiber content and reinforcement ratio on the water permeability of reinforced concrete. Materials and Structures, 48(9), 2795-2807. External link
Hubert, M., Desmettre, C., & Charron, J.-P. (2013, August). Water permeability of reinforced concrete [Paper]. International Conference RF2B, Lyon, France. Unavailable
Habel, K., Charron, J.-P., Braike, S., Hooton, R. D., Gauvreau, P., & Massicotte, B. (2008). Ultra-High Performance Fibre Reinforced Concrete Mix Design in Central Canada. Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering, 35(2), 217-224. External link
Habel, K., Charron, J.-P., Denarie, E., & Bruhwiler, E. (2006). Autogenous Deformations and Viscoelasticity of UHPFRC in Structures. Part I: Experimental Results. Magazine of Concrete Research, 58(3), 135-145. External link
Habel, K., Charron, J.-P., Denarie, E., & Bruhwiler, E. (2006). Autogenous Deformations and Viscoelasticity of UHPFRC in Structures. Part II: Numerical Modelling. Magazine of Concrete Research, 58(3), 147-156. External link
Habel, K., Charron, J.-P., Denarié, E., & Brühwiler, E. (2005, August). Structural response and durability of composite "UHPFRC-concrete" elements [Paper]. International Symposium for Construction and Materials ConMat'05, Vancouver, Canada. Unavailable
Liu, T., & Charron, J.-P. (2024). Analytical Model for Calculating Shear Capacity of NSC Beams Strengthened by UHPC Lateral Layers. Journal of Structural Engineering, 150(6), 040240491 (13 pages). External link
Liu, T., & Charron, J.-P. (2023). Characterization of interface properties for modeling the shear behavior of T-beams strengthened with ultra high-performance concrete. Structure and Infrastructure Engineering, 16 pages. External link
Liu, T., & Charron, J.-P. (2023). Determination of NSC-UHPC interface properties for numerical modeling of UHPC-strengthened concrete beams and slabs. Engineering Structures, 290, 116385 (17 pages). External link
Liu, T., & Charron, J.-P. (2023). Experimental Study on the Shear Behavior of UHPC-Strengthened Concrete T-Beams. Journal of Bridge Engineering, 28(9), 13 pages. External link
Lauch, K. S., Desmettre, C., & Charron, J.-P. (2023). Self-Healing of Aged Concrete Containing Crystalline Admixture and Expansive Agent under Repeated Loading. Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, 35(2), 12 pages. External link
Liu, T., & Charron, J.-P. (2023, June). Shear resistance mechanism and shear resistance prediction of UHPC strengthened t-beam [Paper]. 3rd International Interactive Symposium on Ultra-High Performance Concrete (UHPC 2023), Wilmington, Delaware, USA. External link
Lauch, K. S., Desmettre, C., & Charron, J.-P. (2022, June). Comprehensive evaluation of self-healing of concrete containing admixtures under realistic conditions [Paper]. 8th International Conference on Self-Healing Materials (ICSHM 2022), Milan, Italy (10 pages). Unavailable
Lauch, K.-S., Charron, J.-P., & Desmettre, C. (2022). Comprehensive evaluation of self-healing of concrete with different admixtures under laboratory and long-term outdoor expositions. Journal of Building Engineering, 54, 104661 (23 pages). External link
Lauch, K. S., Desmettre, C., & Charron, J.-P. (2022). Self-healing of concrete containing different admixtures under laboratory and long-term real outdoor expositions based on water permeability test. Construction and Building Materials, 324, 126700 (17 pages). External link
Liu, T., & Charron, J.-P. (2022, October). Shear strengthening of concrete T-beams with lateral layers of UHPC [Paper]. International Conference on Concrete Repair, Rehabilitation and Retrofitting (ICCRR 2022), Cape Town, South Africa (7 pages). Published in MATEC Web of Conferences, 364. External link
Lauch, K. S., Desmettre, C., & Charron, J.-P. (2021). New water permeability set-up and factors affecting concrete self-healing. Construction and Building Materials, 294, 13 pages. External link
Lauch, K.-S., Desmettre, C., & Charron, J.-P. (2021, September). Self-healing of Fibre Reinforced Concrete Containing an Expansive Agent in Different Exposure Conditions [Paper]. 10th RILEM-FIB International Symposium on Fibre Reinforced Concrete (BEFIB 2021), Valencia, Spain. External link
Llano-Torre, A., Cavalaro, S. H. P., Kusterle, W., Moro, S., Zerbino, R. L., Gettu, R., Pauwels, H., Nishiwaki, T., Parmentier, B., Buratti, N., Toledo Filho, R. D., Charron, J.-P., Larive, C., Boshoff, W. P., Bernard, E. S., & Kompastscher, M. (2017). Equipment and Procedure Description. In Round-Robin test on creep behaviour in cracked sections of FRC : experimental program, results and database analysis : State-of-the-Art Report of the RILEM TC 261-CCF (Vol. 34, pp. 47-117). External link
Lagier, F., Massicotte, B., & Charron, J.-P. (2016). 3D Nonlinear Finite-Element Modeling of Lap Splices in UHPFRC. Journal of Structural Engineering, 142(11), 14 pages. External link
Lagier, F., Massicotte, B., & Charron, J.-P. (2016, September). Behavior of tension lap splice specimens in UHPFRC [Paper]. 9th Rilem International Symposium on Fiber Reinforced Concrete, Vancouver, Canada (10 pages). Unavailable
Lachance, F., Charron, J.-P., & Massicotte, B. (2016). Development of precast bridge slabs in high-performance fiber-reinforced concrete and ultra-high-performance fiber-reinforced concrete. ACI Structural Journal, 113(5), 929-939. External link
Lagier, F., Massicotte, B., & Charron, J.-P. (2016). Experimental investigation of bond stress distribution and bond strength in unconfined UHPFRC lap splices under direct tension. Cement and Concrete Composites, 74, 26-38. External link
Lagier, F. E., Massicotte, B., & Charron, J.-P. (2015). Bond strength of tension lap splice specimens in UHPFRC. Construction and Building Materials, 93, 84-94. External link
Lagier, F., Massicotte, B., & Charron, J.-P. (2012, June). Bond splitting strength of lap splice embedded in ultra high performance fibre reinforced concrete under direct tension [Paper]. 4th International Symposium Bond in Concrete, Brescia, Italy. Unavailable
Lessard, M.-C., Charron, J.-P., & Massicotte, B. (2009, June). Comportement des dalles de ponts avec pré-dalles préfabriquées en bétons renforcés de fibres [Paper]. 10e Journées scientifiques du RF2B, Paris. Unavailable
Lessard, M.-C., Charron, J.-P., Massicotte, B., Thibault, M., & Caza, D. (2008, December). Comportement de dalles de pont avec pré-dalles préfabriquées en bétons renforcées de fibres [Paper]. Conférence ACO- Progrès dans le domaine du béton, Boucherville, Québec. Unavailable
Marleau, B., Massicotte, B., & Charron, J.-P. (2018). Fatigue behavior of UHPFRC field-cast of joints between precast bridge slabs. (Technical Report n° SR18-01). Unavailable
Marleau, B., Massicotte, B., & Charron, J.-P. (2018, June). Performance under fatigue loading of field cast UHPFRC joints in positive moment regions between precast bridge deck panels [Paper]. 3rd Fiber Reinforced Concrete International Workshop (FRC 2018), Desenzano, Italy (10 pages). Unavailable
Fibre-reinforced concrete: From design to structural applications [Paper] (2016, July). 1rst ACI-fib International Workshop Fibre-Reinforced Concrete (FRC 2014), Montréal, Québec (504 pages). External link
Massicotte, B., Charron, J.-P., Plizzari, G., & Mosasher, B. (eds.) (2014). 2nd ACI-fib International Workshop on Fibre Reinforced Concrete: From Design to Structural Applications (FRC 2014). External link
Montaignac, R. D., Massicotte, B., & Charron, J.-P. (2013). Finite-element modelling of SF RC members in bending. Magazine of Concrete Research, 65(19), 1133-1146. External link
Nour, A., Massicotte, B., De Montaignac, R., & Charron, J.-P. (2015). Development of an inverse analysis procedure for the characterisation of softening diagrams for FRC beams and panels. Construction and Building Materials, 94, 35-44. External link
Namy, M., Charron, J.-P., & Massicotte, B. (2015). Structural Behavior of Bridge Decks with Cast-in-Place and Precast Concrete Barriers: Numerical Modeling. Journal of Bridge Engineering, 20(12), 04015014-04015014. External link
Namy, M., Charron, J.-P., & Massicotte, B. (2015). Structural behavior of cast-in-place and precast concrete barriers subjected to transverse static loading and anchored to bridge deck overhangs. Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering, 42(2), 120-129. External link
Nour, A., Massicotte, B., De Montaignac, R., & Charron, J.-P. (2012, May). Inverse analysis procedure for the characterization of softening diagrams for FRC beams and panels [Paper]. Numerical Modeling Strategies of Sustainable Concrete Structures (SSCS 2012), Aix-en-Provence, France. Unavailable
Nour, A., Massicotte, B., De Montaignac, R., & Charron, J.-P. (2011). Derivation of a crack opening deflection relationship for fibre reinforced concrete panels using a stochastic model: Application for predicting the flexural behaviour of round panels using stress crack opening diagrams. Cement and Concrete Research, 41(9), 964-974. External link
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