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Chu, H.-W., Chen, W.-J., Liu, K.-H., Mao, J.-Y., Harroun, S. G., Unnikrishnan, B., Lin, H.-J., Ma, Y.-H., Chang, H.-T., & Huang, C.-C. (2024). Carbonization of quercetin into nanogels: a leap in anticoagulant development. Journal of Materials Chemistry B, 14 pages. External link
Chu, H.-W., Unnikrishnan, B., Nain, A., Harroun, S. G., Chang, H.-T., & Huang, C.-C. (2022). Pulsed laser irradiation induces the generation of alloy cluster ions for the screening of protease activity. Biosensors & Bioelectronics, 216, 114615 (8 pages). External link
Jian, H.-J., Anand, A., Lai, J.-Y., Unnikrishnan, B., Chang, H.-T., Harroun, S. G., & Huang, C.-C. (2023). In Situ Hybridization of Polymeric Curcumin to Arginine-Derived Carbon Quantum Dots for Synergistic Treatment of Bacterial Infections. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 15(22), 26457-26471. External link
Lin, C.-J., Hwang, T.-L., Wang, R. Y. L., Nain, A., Shih, R.-H., Chang, L., Lin, H.-J., Harroun, S. G., Chang, H.-T., & Huang, C.-C. (2024). Augmenting Neutrophil Extracellular Traps with Carbonized Polymer Dots: A Potential Treatment for Bacterial Sepsis. Small, 2307210 (14 pages). External link