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Oden, J. T., Prudhomme, S., Bauman, P. T., & Chamoin, L. (2009). Estimation and control of modeling error: A general approach to multi-scale modeling. Dans Bridging the Scales in Science and Engineering (p. 285-304). Lien externe


Prudhomme, S., Oden, J. T., Chamoin, L., & Ben Dhia, H. (juin 2011). Adaptive modeling and simulation for coupling methods [Communication écrite]. International Conference on Adaptive Modeling and Simulation (ADMOS 2011), Paris, France. Non disponible

Prudhomme, S., Chamoin, L., Ben Dhia, H., Bauman, P. T., & Oden, J. T. (mai 2009). Adaptive multiscale simulations for complex molecular structures [Communication écrite]. International Conference on Adaptive Modeling and Simulation (ADMOS 2009), Bruxelles, Belgium. Non disponible

Prudhomme, S., Nobile, F., Chamoin, L., & Oden, J. T. (2004). Analysis of a subdomain‐based error estimator for finite element approximations of elliptic problems. Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations, 20(2), 165-192. Lien externe

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