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Beaudette, K., Driscoll, M., Strupler, M., Carrion, L., Maciejko, R., Boudoux, C., & Aubin, C.-É. (2010, October). An OCT handheld probe for minimally invasive spine surgeries [Paper]. 40e réunion annuelle de la Société de Scoliose du Québec, Burlington, VT.. Unavailable
Beitel, D., Carrion, L., Chen, L. R., & Maciejko, R. (2008). Development of Broadband Sources Based on Semiconductor Optical Amplifiers and Erbium-Doped Fiber Amplifiers for Optical Coherence Tomography. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics, 14(1), 243-250. External link
Beitel, D., Carrion, L., Lee, K.-L., Jain, A., Chen, L. R., & Maciejko, R. (2007, May). Novel S+C+L broadband source based on semiconductor optical amplifiers and erbium-doped fiber for optical coherence tomography [Paper]. Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics and Conference on Quantum Electronics and Laser Science (CLEO-QELS 2007), Baltimore, MD, USA. External link
Carrion, L., Hamel, E., Leblanc-Hotte, A., Boudoux, C., Guenat, O. T., & Maciejko, R. (2009, May). Characterization of microfluidic systems with Doppler optical coherence tomography [Paper]. Photonics North 2009, Québec, Canada. External link
Carrion, L., Xu, Z., & Maciejko, R. (2008, June). Applications of Doppler optical coherence tomography based on zero-crossing detection to flow monitoring inside a stenosis phantom [Paper]. Photonics North 2008. External link
Carrion, L., Beitel, D., Lee, K.-L., Jain, A., Chen, L. R., & Maciejko, R. (2007, June). S+C+L broadband source based on semiconductor optical amplifiers and erbium-doped fiber for optical coherence tomography [Paper]. Photonics North 2007, Ottawa, ON, Canada. External link
Carrion, L., Xu, Z., Lestrade, M., & Maciejko, R. (2004, May). Utilisation de nouvelles sources lumineuses pour la tomographie en optique cohérente [Paper]. 72e ACFAS, Montréal, Québec. Unavailable
Maciejko, R., Carrion, L., Lestrade, M., Xu, Z., & Kashyap, R. (2005). Optical sources for OCT. Photons, 3(1). Unavailable
Xu, Z. Q., Carrion, L., & Maciejko, R. (2008). A Zero-Crossing Detection Method Applied to Doppler Oct. Optics Express, 16(7), 4394-4412. External link
Xu, Z. Q., Carrion, L., & Maciejko, R. (2007). An Assessment of the Wigner Distribution Method in Doppler Oct. Optics Express, 15(22), 14738-14749. External link