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Carreau, J., & Naveau, P. (2023). A spatially adaptive multi-resolution generative algorithm: Application to simulating flood wave propagation. Weather and Climate Extremes, 41, 15 pages. Disponible
Farhani, N., Carreau, J., Kassouk, Z., Le Page, M., Chabaane, Z. L., & Boulet, G. (2022). Analysis of Multispectral Drought Indices in Central Tunisia. Remote Sensing, 14(8), 1813 (27 pages). Lien externe
Farhani, N., Carreau, J., Kassouk, Z., Mougenot, B., Le Page, M., Lili-Chabaane, Z., Zitouna-Chebbi, R., & Boulet, G. (2022). Regional sub-daily stochastic weather generator based on reanalyses for surface water stress estimation in central Tunisia. Environmental Modelling & Software, 155, 105448 (16 pages). Lien externe
Hammami, H., Carreau, J., Neppel, L., Elasmi, S., & Feki, H. (2022). Smooth Spatial Modeling of Extreme Mediterranean Precipitation. Water, 14(22), 3782 (18 pages). Lien externe
Carreau, J., & Guinot, V. (2021). A PCA spatial pattern based artificial neural network downscaling model for urban flood hazard assessment. Advances in Water Resources, 147, 15 pages. Lien externe
Carreau, J., & Toulemonde, G. (2020). Extra-parametrized extreme value copula : Extension to a spatial framework. Spatial Statistics, 40, 20 pages. Lien externe
Palacios-Rodríguez, F., Toulemonde, G., Carreau, J., & Opitz, T. (2020). Generalized Pareto processes for simulating space-time extreme events: an application to precipitation reanalyses. Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment, 34(12), 2033-2052. Lien externe
Carreau, J., Ben Mhenni, N., Huard, F., & Neppel, L. (2019). Exploiting the spatial pattern of daily precipitation in the analog method for regional temporal disaggregation. Journal of Hydrology, 568, 780-791. Lien externe
Carreau, J., Naveau, P., & Neppel, L. (2017). Partitioning into hazard subregions for regional peaks-over-threshold modeling of heavy precipitation. Water Resources Research, 53(5), 4407-4426. Lien externe
Vaittinada Ayar, P., Vrac, M., Bastin, S., Carreau, J., Déqué, M., & Gallardo, C. (2016). Intercomparison of statistical and dynamical downscaling models under the EURO- and MED-CORDEX initiative framework: present climate evaluations. Climate Dynamics, 46(3), 1301-1329. Lien externe
Carreau, J., & Bouvier, C. (2016). Multivariate density model comparison for multi-site flood-risk rainfall in the French Mediterranean area. Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment, 30(6), 1591-1612. Lien externe
Soubeyroux, J.-M., Neppel, L., Veysseire, J.-M., Tramblay, Y., Carreau, J., & Gouget, V. (2015). Evolution of extreme rainfall in France with a changing climate. [Evolution des précipitations extrêmes en France en contexte de changement climatique]. La Houille Blanche, 101(1), 27-33. Lien externe
Foughali, A., Tramblay, Y., Bargaoui, Z., Carreau, J., & Ruelland, D. (2015). Hydrological Modeling in Northern Tunisia with Regional Climate Model Outputs: Performance Evaluation and Bias-Correction in Present Climate Conditions. Climate, 3(3), 459-473. Lien externe
Braud, I., Ayral, P. A., Bouvier, C., Branger, F., Delrieu, G., Le Coz, J., Nord, G., Vandervaere, J. P., Anquetin, S., Adamovic, M., Andrieu, J., Batiot, C., Boudevillain, B., Brunet, P., Carreau, J., Confoland, A., Didon-Lescot, J. F., Domergue, J. M., Douvinet, J., ... Wijbrans, A. (2014). Multi-scale hydrometeorological observation and modelling for flash flood understanding. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 18(9), 3733-3761. Disponible
Neppel, L., Arnaud, P., Borchi, F., Carreau, J., Garavaglia, F., Lang, M., Paquet, E., Renard, B., Soubeyroux, J.-M., & Veysseire, J.-M. (2014). Résultats du projet Extraflo sur la comparaison des méthodes d'estimation des pluies extrêmes en France. La Houille Blanche, 2014(2), 14-19. Lien externe
Renard, B., Kochanek, K., Lang, M., Garavaglia, F., Paquet, E., Neppel, L., Najib, K., Carreau, J., Arnaud, P., Aubert, Y., Borchi, F., Soubeyroux, J.-M., Jourdain, S., Veysseire, J.-M., Sauquet, E., Cipriani, T., & Auffray, A. (2013). Data-based comparison of frequency analysis methods: A general framework. Water Resources Research, 49(2), 825-843. Lien externe
Carreau, J., Neppel, L., Arnaud, P., & Cantet, P. (2013). Extreme rainfall analysis at ungauged sites in the South of France : comparison of three approaches. [Analyse des pluies extrêmes en des sites non-jaugés dans le sud de la France : comparaison de trois approches]. Journal de la Société française de statistique, 154(2), 119-138. Lien externe
Tramblay, Y., Neppel, L., Carreau, J., & Najib, K. (2013). Non-stationary frequency analysis of heavy rainfall events in southern France. Hydrological Sciences Journal, 58(2), 280-294. Lien externe
Ceresetti, D., Ursu, E., Carreau, J., Anquetin, S., Creutin, J. D., Gardes, L., Girard, S., & Molinié, G. (2012). Evaluation of classical spatial-analysis schemes of extreme rainfall. Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences, 12(11), 3229-3240. Disponible
Tramblay, Y., Neppel, L., Carreau, J., & Sanchez-Gomez, E. (2012). Extreme value modelling of daily areal rainfall over Mediterranean catchments in a changing climate. Hydrological Processes, 26(25), 3934-3944. Lien externe
Seghieri, J., Carreau, J., Boulain, N., De Rosnay, P., Arjounin, M., & Timouk, F. (2012). Is water availability really the main environmental factor controlling the phenology of woody vegetation in the central Sahel? Plant Ecology, 213(5), 861-870. Lien externe
Tramblay, Y., Neppel, L., & Carreau, J. (2011). Brief communication "Climatic covariates for the frequency analysis of heavy rainfall in the Mediterranean region". Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences, 11(9), 2463-2468. Lien externe
Carreau, J., & Girard, S. (2011). Spatial extreme quantile estimation using a weighted log-likelihood approach. [Estimation de quantiles extrêmes spatiaux par la méthode de la log-vraisemblance pondérée]. Journal de la Société française de statistique, 152(3), 66-82. Lien externe
Carreau, J., & Vrac, M. (2011). Stochastic downscaling of precipitation with neural network conditional mixture models. Water Resources Research, 47(10), 15 pages. Lien externe
Carreau, J., & Bengio, Y. (2009). A Hybrid Pareto Mixture for Conditional Asymmetric Fat-Tailed Distributions. IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks, 20(7), 1087-1101. Lien externe
Carreau, J., & Bengio, Y. (2009). A hybrid Pareto model for asymmetric fat-tailed data: the univariate case. Extremes, 12(1), 53-76. Lien externe
Carreau, J., Naveau, P., & Sauquet, E. (2009). A statistical rainfall-runoff mixture model with heavy-tailed components. Water Resources Research, 45(10), 11 pages. Lien externe
L'Heureux, P. J., Carreau, J., Bengio, Y., Delalleau, O., & Yue, S. Y. (2004). Locally Linear Embedding for dimensionality reduction in QSAR. Journal of Computer-Aided Molecular Design, 18(7), 475-482. Lien externe
Giroux, J.-S., Breton, S.-P., & Carreau, J. (2024). Interpolation-free deep learning for meteorological downscaling on unaligned grids across multiple domains with application to wind power. (Rapport technique n° G-2024-67). Lien externe
Paoli, A., Carreau, J., & Jalbert, J. (2024). Statistical testing of scaling models for precipitation Intensity-Duration-Frequency curves. (Rapport technique n° G-2024-34). Lien externe
Carreau, J., Neppel, L., Ben Mhenni, L., & Huard, N. (juillet 2017). Spatial daily rainfall descriptors to reproduce sub-daily dynamics in the analog method for temporal desaggregation [Communication écrite]. 10th HyMeX Workshop, Barcelona, Spain. Lien externe
Carreau, J., & Toulemonde, G. (septembre 2016). Extra-parametrized extreme-value copula : an extension to a spatial framework [Communication écrite]. Salzburg Workshop on Dependence Models & Copulas, Salzburg, Austria. Non disponible
Carreau, J., Girard, S., & Ursu, E. (mars 2010). Spatial extreme quatile estimation using a weighted log-likelihood approach [Communication écrite]. NICDS Workshop on Statistical Methods for Geographic and Spatial Data in the Management of Natural Resources, Montréal, Qc, Canada. Non disponible
Carreau, J., Girard, S., & Ursu, E. (mars 2010). Spatial kernal interpolation for annual rainfall maxima [Communication écrite]. NICDS Workshop on Statistical Methods for Geographic and Spatial Data in the Management of Natural Resources, Montréal, Qc, Canada. Non disponible
Carreau, J., Girard, S., & Ursu, E. (septembre 2010). Spatial kernel interpolation for annual rainfall maxima [Communication écrite]. WCRP (GEWEX/CLIVAR) and UNESCO (IHP) Metrics and methodologies of estimation of extreme climate events Workshop, Paris, France. Non disponible
Carreau, J., & Bengio, Y. (mars 2007). A hybrid pareto model for conditional density estimation of asymmetric fat-tail data [Communication écrite]. 11th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics, San Pedro, Puerto Rico. Non disponible
Rodriguez, F. P., Toulemonde, G., Carreau, J., & Opitz, T. (novembre 2019). Stochastic extreme rainfall simulations around Montpellier [Affiche]. 8es Journées scientifiques du LabEx NUMEV, Montpellier, France. Non disponible
Rodriguez, F. P., Toulemonde, G., Carreau, J., & Opitz, T. (novembre 2018). Heavy rainfall simulations by space-time processes [Affiche]. 7es Journées scientifiques du LabEx NUMEV, Paris, France. Non disponible
Rodriguez, F. P., Toulemonde, G., Carreau, J., & Opitz, T. (mai 2018). How to simulate space-time extreme processes to assess natural disasters? [Affiche]. Workshop "Rare Events, Extremes and Machine Learning", Paris, France. Non disponible
Bacro, J., Bouvier, C., Campion, C., Carreau, J., Chailan, R., & Gaetan, C. (juillet 2015). Modélisation et simulation d'extrêmes de processus spatiaux et spatio-temporels [Affiche]. 5e Journée scientifique du LabEx NUMEV, Montpellier, France. Lien externe
Branger, F., Braud, I., Debionne, S., Viallet, P., Dehotin, J., Hénine, H., Nédélec, Y., Anquetin, S., Ayral, P. A., Bouvier, C., Delrieu, G., Le Coz, M., Nord, J., Vandervaere, J.-P., Adamovic, M., Carreau, J., Confoland, A., Didon-Lescot, J. F., Domergue, J. M., ... Wijbrans, A. (novembre 2015). Quelle stratégie d'observation et de modélisation pour l'étude des crues rapides [Affiche]. Séminaire de restitution du projet ANR Floodscale, Aix-en-Provence, France. Lien externe
Carreau, J., Toulemonde, G., Bacro, J. N., Bouvier, C., & Neppel, L. (janvier 2014). Assessing the impacts of the choice of spatial dependence structure for flood-risk rainfall [Affiche]. Workshop on Stochastic Weather Generators, Avignon, France. Lien externe
Carreau, J., Dezetter, A., Aboubacar, H., & Ruelland, D. (juillet 2013). Evaluation and comparison of two downscaling methods for daily precipitation in hydrological impact studies [Affiche]. Joint 37th Scientific Assembly (IAHS/IASPO/IASPEI), Gothenburg, Sweden. Non disponible
Toulemonde, G., & Carreau, J. (juin 2018). Extra-parametrized extreme value copula : extension to a spatial framework [Présentation]. Dans 9th Workshop on Spatio-temporal Modeling (METMA IX), Montpellier, France. Non disponible
Palacio-Rodriguez, F., Toulemonde, G., Carreau, J., & Opitz, T. (octobre 2018). On space-time extreme processes simulation for flash floods in Mediterranean France [Présentation]. Dans 4th Conference on Stochastic Weather Generators (SWGEN 2018), Boulder, Colorado, USA. Non disponible
Palacio-Rodriguez, F., Toulemonde, G., Carreau, J., & Opitz, T. (juin 2018). Space-time extreme processes simulation for flash floods in Mediterranean France [Présentation]. Dans 9th Workshop on Spatio-temporal Modeling (METMA IX), Montpellier, France. Non disponible
Toulemonde, G., Carreau, J., & Guinot, V. (2020). Space–Time Simulations of Extreme Rainfall: Why and How? Dans Mathematical Modeling of Random and Deterministic Phenomena (p. 53-71). Lien externe