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Documents dont l'auteur est "Cardoso, Manuel Jorge"

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Nombre de documents: 5


Grussu, F., Veraart, J., Battiston, M., Schneider, T., Cohen-Adad, J., Cardoso, M. J., Wheeler-Kingshott, C. A. M. G., Fieremans, E., Alexander, D. C., & Novikov, D. S. (juin 2018). Magnitude versus complex-valued images for spinal cord diffusion MRI : which one is best? [Affiche]. Joint annual meeting ISMRM - ESMRMB, Paris, France. Lien externe

Grussu, F., Battiston, M., Veraart, J., Schneider, T., Cohen-Adad, J., Cardoso, M. J., Alexander, D. C., Novikov, D. S., Fieremans, E., & Wheeler-Kingshott, C. A. M. G. (juin 2018). A unified signal readout improves denoising of multi-modal spinal cord MRI [Communication écrite]. Joint annual meeting ISMRM - ESMRMB, Paris, France. Lien externe


Prados, F., Ashburner, J., Blaiotta, C., Brosch, T., Carballido-Gamio, J., Cardoso, M. J., Conrad, B. N., Datta, E., David, G., De Leener, B., Dupont, S. M., Freund, P., Wheeler-Kingshott, C. A. M. G., Grussu, F., Henry, R., Landman, B. A., Ljungberg, E., Lyttle, B., Ourselin, S., ... Cohen-Adad, J. (2017). Spinal cord grey matter segmentation challenge. NeuroImage, 152, 312-329. Disponible


Orasanu, E., Melbourne, A., Cardoso, M. J., Lombaert, H., Kendall, G. S., Robertson, N. J., Marlow, N., & Ourselin, S. (2016). Cortical folding of the preterm brain: a longitudinal analysis of extremely preterm born neonates using spectral matching. Brain and Behavior, 6(8), e00488 (17 pages). Lien externe


Orasanu, E., Melbourne, A., Lombaert, H., Cardoso, M. J., Johnsen, S. F., Kendall, G. S., Robertson, N. J., Marlow, N., & Ourselin, S. (septembre 2014). Prefrontal Cortical Folding of the Preterm Brain: A Longitudinal Analysis of Preterm-Born Neonates [Communication écrite]. 3rd International Workshop on Spatio-temporal Image Analysis for Longitudinal and Time-Series Image Data (STIA 2014), Boston, MA, USA. Lien externe

Liste produite: 22 janvier 2025 à 15 h 10.