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Guedes, T. L. M., Vakulchyk, I., Seletskiy, D., Leitenstorfer, A., Moskalenko, A. S., & Burkard, G. (2023). Back action in quantum electro-optic sampling of electromagnetic vacuum fluctuations. Physical Review Research, 5(1), 013151 (15 pages). Available
Guedes, T. L. M., Kizmann, M., Seletskiy, D., Leitenstorfer, A., Burkard, G., & Moskalenko, A. S. (2019). Spectra of Ultrabroadband Squeezed Pulses and the Finite-Time Unruh-Davies Effect. Physical Review Letters, 122(5), 6 pages. External link
Guedes, T. L. M., Kizmann, M., Seletskiy, D., Leitenstorfer, A., Burkard, G., & Moskalenko, A. S. (2019, June). Ultrabroadband squeezed pulses and finite-time Unruh-Davies effect [Paper]. Central European Workshop on Quantum Optics (CEWQO 2019), Paderborn, Germany (1 page). External link
Kizmann, M., Guedes, T. L. M., Seletskiy, D., Moskalenko, A. S., Leitenstorfer, A., & Burkard, G. (2019). Subcycle squeezing of light from a time flow perspective. Nature Physics, 15(9), 960-966. External link
Onoe, S., Guedes, T. L. M., Moskalenko, A. S., Leitenstorfer, A., Burkard, G., & Ralph, T. C. (2022). Realizing a rapidly switched Unruh-DeWitt detector through electro-optic sampling of the electromagnetic vacuum. Physical Review D, 105(5), 22 pages. External link
Seletskiy, D., Riek, C., Moskalenko, A., Schmidt, J., Krauspe, P., Eckart, S., Eggert, S., Burkard, G., & Leitenstorfer, A. (2016, March). Sub-cycle quantum optics: direct access to electric field vacuum fluctuations [Paper]. APS March Meeting 2016, Baltimore, Maryland. Unavailable