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Colomba, A., Latifi, M., Li, D., Berruti, F., & Briens, C. (2017, May). Production of Activated Carbons from Biomass Waste for Environmental Applications [Paper]. Waste-to-Resources Conferences, Hannover, Germany. Unavailable
Colomba, A., Latifi, M., Li, D., Berruti, F., & Briens, C. (2014, January). Application of the jiggled bed reactor (JBR) to the development of effective pyrolysis and activation processes for the production of activated char from biomass [Paper]. 4th Green Process Engineering Congress, Sevilla, Spain. Unavailable
Farkhondehkavaki, M., Soleimani, M., Latifi, M., Berruti, F., Briens, C., & McMillan, J. (2014). Characterization of moisture distribution in a fluidized bed. Measurement, 47, 150-160. External link
Latifi, M., Ferrante, L., Briens, C., & Berruti, F. (2020). A Pilot Study of Syngas Production from Bio-oil Thermal Cracking in a Bubbling Fluidized Bed Reactor. Journal of Petroleum Science and Technology, 9(1), 56-72. External link
Latifi, M., Mokhtari, M., Chaouki, J., Briens, C., & Berruti, F. (2019, January). Design and Simulation of a Batch Induction Heating Fluidized-bed Reactor (BIH-FBR) by using CFD [Presentation]. In Fluidization XVI Conference, Guilin, China. Unavailable
Latifi, M., Berruti, F., & Briens, C. (2016, May). Jiggle bed reactor for testing catalytic activity of olivine in bio-oil gasification [Paper]. 15th International Conference on Fluidization, Montebello, Québec. Published in Powder Technology, 316. External link
Latifi, M., Briens, C., & Berruti, F. (2016, June). Catalytic Property of Olivine for Bio-oil Gasification [Paper]. 5th International Conference on Grees Process Engineering (GPE 2016), Mont Tremblant, Quebec. Unavailable
Latifi, M., Berruti, F., & Briens, C. (2014). Non-catalytic and catalytic steam reforming of a bio-oil model compound in a novel "jiggle Bed" Reactor. Fuel, 129, 278-291. External link
Latifi, M., Berruti, F., & Briens, C. (2014). A novel fluidized and induction heated microreactor for catalyst testing. AICHE Journal, 60(9), 3107-3122. External link
Latifi, M., Berruti, F., & Briens, C. (2013, May). The Jiggled Bed Reactor, A New Fluidized Bed Reactor for Catalyst Testing [Paper]. Fluidization XIV: from Fundamentals to Products, Noordwijkerhout, The Netherlands. Unavailable
Latifi, M., Ferrante, L., Briens, C., & Berruti, F. (2011, May). Development of a Novel Vibrating Reactor for Testing Bio-oil Gasification Catalysts [Paper]. Bioenergy III: Present and New Perspectives on Biorefineries, Lanzarote, Canary Islands, Spain. Unavailable
Latifi, M., Ferrante, L., Briens, C., & Berruti, F. (2010, March). Bio-oil Gasification to Produce Syngas [Presentation]. In Agricultural and Biorefinery Innovation Network (ABIN) Conference, London, Ontario. Unavailable
Latifi, M., Ferrante, L., Briens, C., & Berruti, F. (2010, February). Bio-oil Gasification to Produce Syngas [Presentation]. In Institute of Chemicals and Fuels for Alternative Resources (ICFAR) Seminar, Niagara Falls, Ontario. Unavailable
Latifi, M., Briens, C., & Berruti, F. (2010, May). Introducing a Novel Mini Fluidized Reactor for Gasification Processes [Presentation]. In Research Bridges symposium, Sarnia, Ontario. Unavailable
Latifi, M., Ferrante, L., Briens, C., & Berruti, F. (2009, March). Effect of Residence Time and Temperature on Thermal Cracking of Bio-oil for Syngas Production [Paper]. Bioenergy- II: Fuels and Chemical from Renewable Resources, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Unavailable
Latifi, M., Berruti, F., & Briens, C. (2009, August). Thermal Cracking of Bio-oil for Syngas Production [Paper]. Unspecified, Montreal, Québec. Unavailable
Rohani, S., Latifi, M., Berruti, F., & Briens, C. (2009, August). Development and Testing of a Novel Induction Micro Reactor to Test Catalysts for Bio-oil Gasification [Paper]. 8th World Congress of Chemical Engineering (WCCE8), Montreal, Québec. Unavailable
Rohani, S., Latifi, M., Berruti, F., & Briens, C. (2009, June). A Novel Induction Heating Micro Reactor for Gasification Catalyst-Testing [Paper]. GPE-EPIC Congress, Venice, Italy. Unavailable