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Brangier, E., Barcenilla, J., & Robert, J.-M. (2017). Prospective Ergonomics and Innovative Ideas in the Early Stages of Design Projects. In Zunjic, A. (ed.), Ergonomic Design and Assessment of Products and Systems (pp. 47-68). External link
Brangier, E., & Desmarais, M. C. (2014, June). Heuristic inspection to assess persuasiveness: a case study of a mathematics e-learning program [Paper]. 3rd International Conference on Design, User Experience and Usability (DUXU 2014), held as part of HCI International 2014, Heraklion, Crete, Greece. External link
Brangier, E., & Robert, J.-M. (2010, September). Manifeste pour l'ergonomie prospective: anticiper de futures activités humaines en vue de concevoir de nouveaux artéfacts [Paper]. 22e Conference Internationale Francophone sur I'Interaction Homme-Machine (IHM 2010), Luxembourg, Luxembourg. External link
Doyon-Poulin, P. (2021). Erreur humaine. In Brangier, E., & Valléry, G. (eds.), Ergonomie : 150 notions clés : dictionnaire encyclopédique (pp. 267-269). External link
Robert, J.-M., & Brangier, E. (2024). Prospective ergonomics for the design of future things. Ergonomics, 2409939 (18 pages). External link
Robert, J.-M., & Brangier, E. (2019, August). Overview of methods for prospective ergonomics [Paper]. 50th Nordic Ergonomics and Human Factors Society Conference (NES 2019), Elsinore, Denmark. Unavailable
Robert, J.-M., & Brangier, E. (2012, February). Prospective Ergonomics: Origin, Goal, and Prospects [Paper]. 18th International Ergonomics Association's Congress (IEA 2012), Recife, Brazil. Published in Work (Reading, Mass.), 41(S1). External link