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Amrhein, M., Bhatt, N., Srinivasan, B., & Bonvin, D. (2010). Extents of reaction and flow for homogeneous reaction systems with inlet and outlet streams. AICHE Journal, 56(11), 2873-2886. External link
Bonvin, D., & Srinivasan, B. (2013). On the role of the necessary conditions of optimality in structuring dynamic real-time optimization schemes. Computers and Chemical Engineering, 51, 172-180. External link
Bhatt, N., Amrhein, M., Srinivasan, B., Mullhaupt, P., & Bonvin, D. (2012, June). Minimal state representation for open fluid-fluid reaction systems [Paper]. American Control Conference, ACC 2012, Montréal, Québec. External link
François, G., Srinivasan, B., & Bonvin, D. (2014). Equivalence between neighboring-extremal control and self-optimizing control for the steady-state optimization of dynamical systems. Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research, 53(18), 7470-7478. External link
François, G., Srinivasan, B., & Bonvin, D. (2012). Comparison of six implicit real-time optimization schemes. Journal Européen des Systèmes Automatisés, 46(2-3), 291-305. Unavailable
François, G., Srinivasan, B., & Bonvin, D. (2011). A globally convergent algorithm for the run-to-run control of systems with sector nonlinearities. Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research, 50(3), 1410-1418. External link
Srinivasan, B., & Bonvin, D. (2019). 110th Anniversary: A Feature-Based Analysis of Static Real-Time Optimization Schemes. Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research, 58(31), 14227-14238. External link