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Alameh, M.-G., Lavertu, M., Merzouki, A., Biniecki, K., & Buschmann, M. D. (2014, May). Chitosan/siRNA nanoparticles demonstrate superior silencing efficiency and lower toxicity compared to lipid nanoparticles [Abstract]. 17th Annual Meeting of the American Society of Gene & Cell Therapy, Washington, DC. Published in Molecular Therapy, 22(S1). Available
Tavakoli Naeini, A., Lavertu, M., Buschmann, M. D., & Biniecki, K. (2014, May). Large scale preparation of chitosan/nucleic acid nanoparticles using an automated inline mixing system [Abstract]. American Society of Gene & Cell Therapy 17th Annual Meeting, Washington, DC. Published in Molecular Therapy, 22. Available
Veilleux, D., Gopalakrishna Panicker, R. K., Chevrier, A., Biniecki, K., Lavertu, M., & Buschmann, M. D. (2018). Lyophilisation and concentration of chitosan/siRNA polyplexes: Influence of buffer composition, oligonucleotide sequence, and hyaluronic acid coating. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 512, 335-345. External link
Veilleux, D., Lavertu, M., Biniecki, K., & Buschmann, M. D. (2014, May). Lyophilized chitosan nanoparticles for pDNA and siRNA delivery: Physico-chemical properties, transfection efficiency, and cytotoxicity [Abstract]. American Society of Gene & Cell Therapy 17th Annual Meeting, Washington, DC. Published in Molecular Therapy, 22(S1). Available