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Hajji, K. T., Lépine, F., Bisaillon, J. G., Beaudet, R., Hawari, J., & Guiot, S. R. (2000). Effects of bioaugmentation strategies in UASB reactors with a methanogenic consortium for removal of phenolic compounds. Biotechnology and Bioengineering, 67(4), 417-423. External link
Villemur, R., Deziel, E., Benachenhou, A., Marcoux, J., Gauthier, E., Lépine, F., Beaudet, R., & Comeau, Y. (2000). Two-Liquid-Phase Slurry Bioreactors to Enhance the Degradation of High-Molecular-Weight Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons in Soil. Biotechnology Progress, 16(6), 966-972. External link