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Faci, N., Nguyen, H. T., Laniel, P., Gauthier, B., Beauchamp, M. H., Nakagawa, M., & Plamondon, R. (2021). Classifying the Kinematics of Fast Pen Strokes in Children with ADHD using Different Machine Learning Models. In The Lognormality Principle and its Applications in e-Security, e-Learning and e-Health (Vol. 88, pp. 117-142). External link
Faci, N., Désiré, N., Beauchamp, M. H., Gagnon, I., & Plamondon, R. (2018, May). Lognormality In Children With Mild Traumatic Brain Injury : A Preliminary Pilot Study [Paper]. International Conference on Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence (ICPRAI 2018), Montréal, Québec. External link
Laniel, P., Faci, N., Plamondon, R., Beauchamp, M. H., & Gauthier, B. (2020). Kinematic analysis of fast pen strokes in children with ADHD. Applied Neuropsychology: Child, 9(2), 125-140. External link
Laniel, P., Faci, N., Plamondon, R., Beauchamp, M. H., & Gauthier, B. (2018, May). Kinematic Analysis of Fast Pen Strokes in Children with ADHD using the Sigma-lognormal Model [Paper]. International Conference on Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence (ICPRAI 2018), Montréal, Québec. External link