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Bayou, L., Espes, D., Boulahia Cuppens, N., & Cuppens, F. (2018, October). A Prediction-Based Method for False Data Injection Attacks Detection in Industrial Control Systems [Paper]. 13th International Conference on Risks and Security of Internet and Systems (CRiSIS 2018), Arcachon, France. External link
Bayou, L., Espes, D., Boulahia Cuppens, N., & Cuppens, F. (2017, December). wIDS: A Multilayer IDS for Wireless-Based SCADA Systems [Paper]. 13th International Conference on Information Systems Security (ICISS 2017), Mumbai, India. External link
Bayou, L., Espes, D., Boulahia Cuppens, N., & Cuppens, F. (2017, November). wirelessOrBAC: Towards an access-control-based IDS for Wireless Sensor Networks [Paper]. 7th International Conference on Communication and Network Security (ICCNS 2017), Tokyo, Japan. External link
Bayou, L., Espes, D., Boulahia Cuppens, N., & Cuppens, F. (2016, October). Security Analysis of WirelessHART Communication Scheme [Paper]. 9th International Symposium on Foundations and Practice of Security (FPS 2016), Québec City, QC, Canada. External link
Bayou, L., Boulahia Cuppens, N., Espes, D., & Cuppens, F. (2016, August). Towards a CDS-based Intrusion Detection Deployment Scheme for Securing Industrial Wireless Sensor Networks [Paper]. 11th International Conference on Availability, Reliability and Security (ARES 2016), Salzburg, Austria. External link
Bayou, L., Espes, D., Boulahia Cuppens, N., & Cuppens, F. (2015, July). Security Issue of WirelessHART Based SCADA Systems [Paper]. 10th International Conference on Risks and Security of Internet and Systems (CRiSIS 2015), Mytilene, Lesbos Island, Greece. External link
Bayou, L., Espes, D., Boulahia Cuppens, N., & Cuppens, F. (2015, September). WirelessHART NetSIM: A WirelessHART SCADA-Based Wireless Sensor Networks Simulator [Paper]. 1st International Workshop on the Security of Industrial Control Systems and Cyber-Physical Systems (CyberICS 2015) and 1st Workshop on the Security of Cyber Physical Systems (WOS-CPS 2015), Vienna, Austria. External link