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Mirbozorgi, S. A., Bahrami, H., Sawan, M., Rusch, L. A., & Gosselin, B. (2016). A single-chip full-duplex high speed transceiver for multi-site stimulating and recording neural implants. IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Circuits and Systems, 10(3), 643-953. External link
Mirbozorgi, S. A., Bahrami, H., Sawan, M., & Gosselin, B. (2016). A smart cage with uniform wireless power distribution in 3D for enabling long-term experiments with freely moving animals. IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Circuits and Systems, 10(2), 424-434. External link
Mirbozorgi, S. A., Bahrami, H., Sawan, M., Rusch, L., & Gosselin, B. (2015, September). A full-duplex wireless integrated transceiver for implant-to-air data communications [Paper]. IEEE Custom Integrated Circuits Conference (CICC 2015), San Jose, CA, USA (4 pages). External link
Mirbozorgi, S. A., Bahrami, H., Sawan, M., & Gosselin, B. (2014). A Smart Multicoil Inductively Coupled Array for Wireless Power Transmission. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 61(11), 6061-6070. External link