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Akyel, C., & Babic, S. (janvier 2009). An analytical method to determine the maximum value of the relative magnetic permeability [Communication écrite]. 6th WSEAS International Conference on Engineering Education, Rhodes, Grèce. Lien externe
Akyel, C., Babic, S., & Mahmoudi, M.-M. (2009). Mutual inductance calculation for noncoaxial circular air coils with parallel axes. Progress in Electromagnetics Research, 91, 287-301. Lien externe
Akyel, C., & Babic, S. (avril 2002). New and fast procedures for calculating the mutual inductance of coaxial circular coils (disk coil-circular coil) [Communication écrite]. IEEE International Magnetics Conference (INTERMAG 2002), Amsterdam, Netherlands. Lien externe
Akyel, C., & Babic, S. (juillet 2000). Choice of segments in the B=B(H) approximation using spline functions [Communication écrite]. Symposium on Antenna Technology and Applied Electromagnetics (ANTEM 2000), Winnipeg, Man., Canada. Lien externe
Akyel, C., & Babic, S. (août 1998). An improvement in the approximation of basic curve =(h) using spline functions [Communication écrite]. Symposium on Antenna Technology and Applied Electromagnetics (ANTEM 1998), Ottawa, ON, Canada. Lien externe
Akyel, C., Babic, S., & Ghannouchi, F. M. (septembre 1997). Intelligent high power microwave applicators using high power microwave reflectometers [Communication écrite]. IEEE-Russia conference :1997 high power microwave electronics : measurements, identification, applications : MIA-ME'97, Novosibirsk, Russia. Non disponible
Babic, S., Guven, E., Song, K.-H., & Luo, Y. (2024). Optimized calculation of radial and axial magnetic forces between two non-coaxial coils of rectangular cross-section with parallel axes. Computation, 12(9), 180 (20 pages). Disponible
Babic, S., & Akyel, C. (2021). Addendum: Babic, S., et al. Self-Inductance of the Circular Coils of the Rectangular Cross-Section with the Radial and Azimuthal Current Densities. Physics 2020, 2, 352–367. Physics, 3(1), 352-367. Disponible
Babic, S., Akyel, C., & Erdogan, L. (2021). Calculating propulsive and restoring electromagnetic forces between massive circular coils of rectangular cross section with inclined axes in air. World Journal of Advanced Engineering Technology and Sciences, 2(1), 110-121. Lien externe
Babic, S., & Akyel, C. (2021). An improved analytical method for triple stub matching (stubs in parallel). Global Journal of Engineering and Technology Advances, 7(3), 157-178. Lien externe
Babic, S., & Akyel, C. (2020). Self-inductance of the circular coils of the rectangular cross-section with the radial and azimuthal current densities. Physics, 2(3), 352-367. Disponible
Babic, S., & Akyel, C. (2018). Calculation of some electromagnetic quantities for circular thick coil of rectangular cross-section and pancake with inverse radial currents. IET Electric Power Applications, 12(9), 1306-1310. Lien externe
Babic, S., & Akyel, C. (2018). New formulas for calculating torque between filamentary circular coil and thin wall solenoid with inclined axis whose axes are at the same plane. Progress In Electromagnetics Research M, 73, 141-151. Lien externe
Babic, S., & Akyel, C. (2018). New Formulas for the Mutual Inductance and the Magnetic Force of the System : Thin Disk Coil (Pancake) with Inverse Radial Current Density and Thin Wall Solenoid with Constant Azimuthal Current Density. Global Journal of Research In Engineering, 18(4-F), 7 pages. Lien externe
Babic, S., & Akyel, C. (2017). Calculation of mutual inductance and magnetic force between two thick coaxial Bitter coils of rectangular cross section. IET Electric Power Applications, 11(3), 441-446. Lien externe
Babic, S., & Akyel, C. (2016). Mutual Inductance and Magnetic Force Calculations for Bitter Disk Coil (Pancake) with Nonlinear Radial Current and Filamentary Circular Coil with Azimuthal Current. Advances in Electrical Engineering, 2016, 1-6. Disponible
Babic, S., Akyel, C., Martinez, J., & Babic, B. (2015). A new formula for calculating the magnetic force between two coaxial thick circular coils with rectangular cross-section. Journal of Electromagnetic Waves and Applications, 29(9), 1181-1193. Lien externe
Babic, S., Martinez, J., Akyel, C., & Babic, B. (2014). Mutual inductance calculation between misalignment coils for wireless power transfer of energy. Progress In Electromagnetics Research M, 38, 91-102. Lien externe
Babic, S., & Akyel, C. (2013). New formulas for mutual inductance and axial magnetic force between magnetically coupled coils: Thick circular coil of the rectangular cross-section-thin disk coil (Pancake). IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, 49(2), 860-868. Lien externe
Babic, S., Sirois, F., Akyel, C., Lemarquand, G., Lemarquand, V., & Ravaud, R. (2012). Erratum: New formulas for mutual inductance and axial magnetic force between a thin wall solenoid and a thick circular coil of rectangular cross-section. IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, 48(6), 2096-2096. Lien externe
Babic, S., & Akyel, C. (2012). Magnetic Force Between Inclined Circular Filaments Placed in Any Desired Position. IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, 48(1), 69-80. Lien externe
Babic, S., & Akyel, C. (2012). Magnetic force between inclined circular loops (Lorentz approach). Progress In Electromagnetics Research B, 38(38), 333-349. Lien externe
Babic, S., Akyel, C., Ren, Y., & Chen, W. (2012). Magnetic force calculation between circular coils of rectangular cross section with parallel axes for superconducting magnet. Progress In Electromagnetics Research B, 37, 275-288. Lien externe
Babic, S., Akyel, C., Sirois, F., Lemarquand, G., Ravaud, R., & Lemarquand, V. (2011). Calculation of the mutual inductance and the magnetic force between a thick circular coil of the rectangular cross section and a thin wall solenoid (integro-differential approach). Progress In Electromagnetics Research B, 33(33), 221-237. Lien externe
Babic, S., Sirois, F., Akyel, C., Lemarquand, G., Lemarquand, V., & Ravaud, R. (2011). New formulas for mutual inductance and axial magnetic force between a thin wall solenoid and a thick circular coil of rectangular cross-section. IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, 47(8), 2034-2044. Lien externe
Babic, S., & Akyel, C. (2011). Torque calculation between circular coils with inclined axes in air. International Journal of Numerical Modelling: Electronic Networks, Devices and Fields, 24(3), 230-243. Lien externe
Babic, S., Sirois, F., Akyel, C., & Girardi, C. (2010). Mutual Inductance Calculation Between Circular Filaments Arbitrarily Positioned in Space: Alternative to Grover's Formula. IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, 46(9), 3591-3600. Lien externe
Babic, S., Akyel, C., & Mehdi, M. M. (août 2009). Mutual inductance calculation between circular coils with lateral and angular misalignment [Communication écrite]. Photonics and Electromagnetics Research Symposium, Moscow, Russia. Non disponible
Babic, S., Sirois, F., & Akyel, C. (2009). Validity check of mutual inductance formulas for circular filaments with lateral and angular misalignments. Progress In Electromagnetics Research M, 8, 15-26. Lien externe
Babic, S., Akyel, C., & Gavrilovic, M. M. (avril 2000). Improvement in 3D calculation of linear magnetostatic fields based on the integral equation method with surface magnetic charge [Communication écrite]. 2000 IEEE International Magnetics Conference )IEEE INTERMAG 2000), Toronto, Ont, Can. Lien externe
Babic, S., Akyel, C., & Gavrilovic, M. M. (juillet 2000). New closed form expressions for calculating the magnetic field of thin conductors with longitudinal current direction [Communication écrite]. Symposium on Antenna Technology and Applied Electromagnetics (ANTEM 2000), Winnipeg, Man., Canada. Lien externe
Babic, S., & Akyel, C. (1999). Calcul de la self-inductance et de l'inductance mutuelle des solénoïdes et des disques minces. (Rapport technique n° EPM-RT-99-12). Accès restreint
Babic, S., & Akyel, C. (1998). 3D magnetic fields of conductors with current-carrying in arbitrary directions. (Rapport technique n° EPM-RT-98-07). Accès restreint
Babic, S., & Akyel, C. (1998). Une approche dans l'approximation des courbes de première aimantation et de perméabilité magnétique utilisant les fonctions de spline. (Rapport technique n° EPM-RT-98-09). Accès restreint
Kincic, S., Chandra, A., & Babic, S. (juin 2002). Five level diode clamped voltage source inverter and its application in reactive power compensation [Communication écrite]. Large Engineering Systems Conference on Power Engineering (LESCOPE 2002), Halifax, NS, Canada. Lien externe
Lemarquand, G., Lemarquand, V., Babic, S., & Akyel, C. (août 2009). Magnetic field created by thin wall solenoids and axially magnetized cylindrical permanent magnets [Communication écrite]. Photonics and Electromagnetics Research Symposium, Moscow, Russia. Non disponible
Martinez, J., Babic, S., & Akyel, C. (2014). On evaluation of inductance, DC resistance, and capacitance of coaxial inductors at low frequencies. IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, 50(7), 1-12. Lien externe
Ravaud, R., Lemarquand, G., Lemarquand, V., Babic, S., & Akyel, C. (2010). Calculation of the Magnetic Field Created by a Thick Coil. Journal of Electromagnetic Waves and Applications, 24(10), 1405-1418. Lien externe
Ravaud, R., Lemarquand, G., Babic, S., Lemarquand, V., & Akyel, C. (2010). Cylindrical magnets and coils: fields, forces, and inductances. IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, 46(9), 3585-3590. Lien externe
Ravaud, R., Lemarquand, G., Lemarquand, V., Babic, S., & Akyel, C. (2010). Mutual inductance and force exerted between thick coils. Progress in Electromagnetics Research, 102, 367-380. Lien externe
Ravaud, R., Lemarquand, G., & Babic, S. (2009). Introducing fictitious currents for calculating analytically the electric field in cylindrical capacitors. Progress In Electromagnetics Research M, 9, 139-150. Lien externe
Smith, M., Fokas, N., Hart, K., Babic, S., & Selvaggi, J. P. (2021). The Magnetic Field Produced from a Conical Current Sheet and from a Thin and Tightly-Wound Conical Coil. Progress In Electromagnetics Research B, 90, 1-20. Lien externe
Skaljo, E., Nemsic, B., Babic, S., & Mujcic, A. (2013). Integration of mobile backhaul and broadband fixed access networks in urban metropolitan areas. Fiber and Integrated Optics, 32(2), 105-116. Lien externe