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Azzi, L., & Ajersch, F. (2002, June). Développement des alliages à base d'aluminium pour la mise en forme à l'état semi-solide [Paper]. Congrès international sur l'aluminium et sa mise en forme à chaud : moulage et formage (TRANS AL 2002), Lyon, France. Published in Fonderie, Fondeur d'aujourd'hui, 50(224). Unavailable
Azzi, L., Ajersch, F., & Stephenson, T. E. (2001, August). Thixotropy of semi-solid GrANi composite alloys [Paper]. Materials in the Automotive Industry: International Symposium on Materials in the Automotive Industry as held at the 40th Annual Conference of Metallurgists of CIM (COM 2001), Toronto, Ontario, Canada. Unavailable
Azzi, L., Ajersch, F., & Stevenson, T. F. (2000, January). Rheological characteristics of semi-solid GrANi composite alloy [Paper]. 6th International Conference on Semi-Solid Processing of Alloys and Composites. Unavailable
Beaulieu, A., Azzi, L., Ajersch, F., Turenne, S., Pineau, F., & Loong, C. A. (2000, June). Numerical modeling and experimental analysis of die cast semi-solidA356 alloy [Paper]. Merton C. Flemings Symposium on Solidification and Materials Processing, Cambridge, MA, USA. Unavailable
Messaoud, F., Azzi, L., & Ajersch, F. Rheological Characteristics of Az91e Alloys in Semi-Solid State [Paper]. Aluminum 2003. Unavailable