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Azzamouri, A., Baptiste, P., Pellerin, R., & Dessevre, G. (2022). Impact of the continuous and periodic assessment of a buffer replenishment on the DDMRP method. International Journal of Production Research, 61(16), 5637-5658. Lien externe

Azzamouri, A., Baptiste, P., Pellerin, R., & Dessevre, G. (2022). Impact of the continuous and periodic assessment of a buffer replenishment on the DDMRP method [Ensemble de données]. Lien externe

Azzamouri, A., Baptiste, P., Dessevre, G., & Pellerin, R. (2021). Demand Driven Material Requirements Planning (DDMRP): A systematic review and classification. Journal of Industrial Engineering and Management, 14(3), 18 pages. Lien externe

Liste produite: Sat Feb 22 03:30:20 2025 EST.