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Daoust, O., Nayir, H., Azam, I., Lesage-Landry, A., & Karabulut Kurt, G. (2024, June). Tensor-Based Space Debris Detection for Satellite Mega-constellations [Paper]. 2024 IEEE International Conference on Communications Workshops (ICC Workshops 2024), Denver, CO, USA. External link
Donmez, B., Azam, I., & Karabulut Kurt, G. (2023, September). Mitigation of Misalignment Errors Over Inter-Satellite FSO Energy Harvesting [Paper]. 34th IEEE Annual International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications (PIMRC 2023), Toronto, ON, Canada (5 pages). External link
Qayyum, A., Azam, I., Al Amin, A., & Shin, S. Y. (2024). On the performance of intelligent reflecting surfaces-assisted OAM with NOMA under imperfect SIC. Physical Communication, 62, 102236 (7 pages). External link