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Forouzandeh, F. F., Mohamed, O. A., Sawan, M., & Awwad, F. (2010, June). Delay calculation and error compensation in TBCD-TDM communication protocol for wireless body sensor networks [Paper]. 8th IEEE International NEWCAS Conference (NEWCAS 2010), Montréal, Québec. External link
Fereydouni Forouzandeh, F., Ait Mohamed, O., Sawan, M., & Awwad, F. (2009, November). TBCD-TDM: Novel ultra-low energy protocol for implantable wireless body sensor networks [Paper]. IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference, Honolulu, Hawaii. External link
Ghafar-Zadeh, E., Gholamzadeh, B., Ayala-Charca, G., Raveri, P. B., Matynia, M., Sawan, M., Awwad, F., & Magierowski, S. (2017). Toward spirometry-on-chip: design, implementation and experimental results. Microsystem Technologies-Micro-and Nanosystems-Information Storage and Processing Systems, 23(10), 4591-4598. External link
Gholamzadeh, B., Ghafar-Zadeh, E., Awwad, F., & Sawan, M. (2013, July). Toward implantable glucometer : design, modeling and experimental results [Paper]. 35th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC 2013), Osaka, Japon. External link