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Nombre de documents: 12


Avineri, E., & Waygood, O. (septembre 2011). Could loss framing better highlight differences in CO₂ emission amounts? [Communication écrite]. 9th Biennial Conference on Environmental Psychology, Eindhoven, Netherlands. Non disponible

Avineri, E., & Waygood, O. (2010). D1.1 Behavioural Inception Report. (Rapport technique). Lien externe

Avineri, E., Waygood, O., & Susilo, Y. (novembre 2009). Providing rail passengers with Information on the environmental impacts of their journeys [Communication écrite]. NECTAR Meeting on Railways in the 21st Century, Jerusalem, Israel. Non disponible


Binsted, A., Waygood, O., Clark, A., & Avineri, E. (juin 2011). Communicating the impacts of transport choices to encourage low carbon travel behaviours [Communication écrite]. 8th SoNorA University Think Tank Conference, Szczecin, Poland. Lien externe


Waygood, O., & Avineri, E. (janvier 2016). CO₂ valence framing: is it really any different from just giving the amounts? [Communication écrite]. 95th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, D.C.. Lien externe

Waygood, O., & Avineri, E. (2016). Communicating transportation carbon dioxide emissions information: Does gender impact behavioral response? Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment, 48, 187-202. Lien externe

Waygood, O., & Avineri, E. (juillet 2015). The influence of context on perceptions of transportation carbon dioxide emissions information: context-neutral versus valence framing [Communication écrite]. 14th International Conference on Travel Behaviour Research, London, UK. Non disponible

Waygood, O., & Avineri, E. (janvier 2013). Analytical or emotional? Which stimulates greater sustainable travel intention? [Communication écrite]. Transportation Research Board 92nd Annual Meeting, Washington, D.C.. Lien externe

Waygood, O., Chatterton, T., & Avineri, E. (janvier 2013). Creating a per capita transportation indicator for European cities through GIS [Communication écrite]. Transportation Research Board 92nd Annual Meeting, Washington, D.C.. Lien externe

Waygood, O., Chatterton, T., & Avineri, E. (janvier 2012). Leaders and laggards in low transport CO₂ emissions: The challenges and outcomes of benchmarking sustainable urban transport systems across Europe [Communication écrite]. University Transport Studies Group (UTSG) Annual Conference, Aberdeen, Scotland. Lien externe

Waygood, O., & Avineri, E. (juillet 2012). Transportation carbon emission information: the effect of format on behavioural intention [Communication écrite]. 13th International Conference on Travel Behaviour Research, Toronto, ON. Non disponible

Waygood, O., Binsted, A., Clark, A., & Avineri, E. (juin 2011). Developing an online tool for behavioural change in urban transport [Communication écrite]. ECEEE Summer Study, Toulon, France. Lien externe

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