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Lessard, D., Engler, K., Ma, Y., Rodriguez Cruz, A., Vicente, S., Kronfli, N., Barkati, S., Brouillette, M.-J., Cox, J., Kildea, J., Hijal, T., Pomey, M.-P., Bartlett, S. J., Asselah, J., & Lebouché, B. (2022). Remote follow-up of self-isolating COVID-19 patients with a patient portal: Protocol for a mixed-method pilot study (the Opal-COVID study). JMIR Res Protoc, 18(11). External link
Ma, Y., Achiche, S., Pomey, M.-P., Paquette, J., Adjtoutah, N., Vicente, S., Engler, K., Laymouna, M., Lessard, D., Lemire, B., Asselah, J., Therrien, R., Osmanlliu, E., Zawati, M. H., Joly, Y., & Lebouché, B. (2024). Adapting and Evaluating an AI-Based Chatbot Through Patient and Stakeholder Engagement to Provide Information for Different Health Conditions: Master Protocol for an Adaptive Platform Trial (the MARVIN Chatbots Study). JMIR Research Protocols, 13, 54668. External link
Ma, Y., Lessard, D., Vicente, S., Engler, K., Rodriguez Cruz, A., Laymouna, M., Hijal, T., Del Balso, L., Thériault, G., Paisible, N., Kronfli, N., Pomey, M.-P., Peiris, H., Barkati, S., Brouillette, M.-J., Klein, M., Cox, J., de Pokomandy, A., Asselah, J., ... Lebouché, B. (2024). Implementing a Patient Portal for the Remote Follow-Up of Self-Isolating Patients With COVID-19 Infection Through Patient and Stakeholder Engagement (the Opal-COVID Study): Mixed Methods Pilot Study. Journal of Participatory Medicine, 16. External link