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Ashkar, F., & Rousselle, J. (1987). Partial duration series modeling under the assumption of a Poissonian flood count. Journal of Hydrology, 90(1-2), 135-144. Lien externe

Ashkar, F., & Rousselle, J. (1985). A look at seasonal trends in flood data at some gaging sites in Quebec with special effort towards their incorporation into a probabilistic model. (Rapport technique n° EPM-RT-85-37). Accès restreint

Ashkar, F., & Rousselle, J. (1983). The effect of certain restrictions imposed on the interarrival times of flood events on the Poisson distribution used for modeling flood counts. Water Resources Research, 19(2), 481-485. Lien externe

Ashkar, F., & Rousselle, J. (1983). Some remarks on the truncation used in partial flood series models. Water Resources Research, 19(2), 477-480. Lien externe

Ashkar, F., & Rousselle, J. (1981). Design discharge as a random variable: A risk study. Water Resources Research, 17(3), 577-591. Lien externe


El-Jabi, N., Ashkar, F., & Rousselle, J. (1981). Estimations probabiliste et statistique des crues et de leurs paramètres. (Rapport technique n° EP-R-81-31). Accès restreint

Liste produite: Sat Feb 22 02:46:13 2025 EST.