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Arsenault, J.-L., & Chouteau, M. C. (avril 2002). Application of the TISAR technique to the investigations of transportation facilities and detection of utilities [Communication écrite]. Geophysics 2002 : Second annual conference on the application of geophysical and NDT methodologies to transportation facilities and infrastructure, Los Angeles, CA, USA. Lien externe

Arsenault, J.-L., & Chouteau, M. C. (janvier 2001). Frequency analysis of seismic records for very shallow seismic profiling: Part 1- Basic theoretical principles [Communication écrite]. 7th meeting environmental and engineering geophysics, Birmingham, England. Non disponible

Arsenault, J.-L., & Chouteau, M. C. (janvier 2001). Frequency analysis of seismic records for very shallow seismic profiling: part 2-applications to modelled and survey data [Communication écrite]. 7th meeting environmental and engineering geophysics, Birmingham, England. Non disponible

Liste produite: Sat Feb 22 03:25:32 2025 EST.