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Arsenault, B., Le Tellier, R., & Hébert, A. (2023, September). Efficiency of the delta-tracking technique for Monte Carlo calculations applied to neutron-transport simulations of the advanced CANDU reactor design [Paper]. International Conference on the Physics of Reactors, Interlaken, Switzerland. Unavailable
Baril, R., Hotte, G., Arsenault, B., & Varin, É. (1997, January). G2 physics analysis in support of the cobalt conversion program [Paper]. fuelling engineers symposium, Toronto, Ontario, Canada. Unavailable
Marleau, G., Roy, R., & Arsenault, B. (1994, October). Simulation of reactivity control devices in a CANDU-6 reactor using DRAGON [Paper]. 1994 nuclear simulation symposium, Pembroke (Canada). Unavailable