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Bromley, T. R., Arrazola, J. M., Jahangiri, S., Izaac, J., Quesada, N., Gran, A. D., Schuld, M., Swinarton, J., Zabaneh, Z., & Killoran, N. (2020). Applications of near-term photonic quantum computers: software and algorithms. Quantum Science and Technology, 5(3), 034010. External link
Banchi, L., Quesada, N., & Arrazola, J. M. (2020). Training Gaussian boson sampling distributions. Physical Review A, 102(1), 012417. External link
Grier, D., Brod, D. J., Arrazola, J. M., de Andrade Alonso, M. B., & Quesada, N. (2022). The Complexity of Bipartite Gaussian Boson Sampling. Quantum, 6, 44 pages. Available
Gupt, B., Arrazola, J. M., Quesada, N., & Bromley, T. R. (2020). Classical benchmarking of Gaussian Boson Sampling on the Titan supercomputer. Quantum Information Processing, 19(8), 249-249. External link
Jahangiri, S., Arrazola, J. M., Quesada, N., & Killoran, N. (2020). Point processes with Gaussian boson sampling. Physical Review E, 101(2), 022134. External link
Jahangiri, S., Arrazola, J. M., Quesada, N., & Delgado, A. (2020). Quantum algorithm for simulating molecular vibrational excitations. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 22(44), 25528-25537. External link
Killoran, N., Bromley, T. R., Arrazola, J. M., Schuld, M., & Quesada, N. (2020). Apparatus and methods for quantum computing and machine learning. (Patent Application no. US20200401920). External link
Killoran, N., Bromley, T. R., Arrazola, J. M., Schuld, M., Quesada, N., & Lloyd, S. (2019). Continuous-variable quantum neural networks. Physical Review Research, 1(3), 033063. External link
Quesada, N., Chadwick, R. S., Bell, B. A., Arrazola, J. M., Vincent, T., Qi, H., & Garcia-Patron, R. (2022). Quadratic Speed-Up for Simulating Gaussian Boson Sampling. PRX Quantum, 3(1), 010306 (8 pages). External link
Quesada, N., & Arrazola, J. M. (2020). Exact simulation of Gaussian boson sampling in polynomial space and exponential time. Physical Review Research, 2(2), 023005. External link
Quesada, N., Arrazola, J. M., & Killoran, N. (2018). Gaussian boson sampling using threshold detectors. Physical Review A, 98(6), 062322. External link