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Aubin, C.-É., Armstrong, R., Rawlinson, J., & Wang, X. (juin 2019). How do additional rods reduce loading of the primary rods in adult spinal instrumentation with pedicle subtraction osteotomy? [Communication écrite]. 2nd International Combined Meeting of Orthopaedic Research Societies (ICORS) and the Canadian Orthopaedic Association and Canadian Orthopaedic Research Society, Montréal, Québec, Canada. Non disponible


Wang, X., Aubin, C.-É., Armstrong, R., & Rawlinson, J. (2022). How do additional rods reduce loads on the primary rods in adult spinal instrumentation with pedicle subtraction osteotomy? Clinical Biomechanics, 93, 7 pages. Lien externe

Wang, X., Aubin, C.-É., Armstrong, R., & Rawlinson, J. (octobre 2019). Biomechanical effects of additional rods in spinal instrumentation with pedicle subtraction osteotomy [Communication écrite]. 49e Réunion annuelle de la Société de scoliose du Québec, Québec City, Québec, Canada. Non disponible

Liste produite: Sat Feb 22 03:28:12 2025 EST.