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Blanc, D., Pelissier, S., Saravanamuttu, K., Najafi, S. I., & Andrews, M. P. (1999). Self-Processing of Surface-Relief Gratings in Photosensitive Hybrid Sol-Gel Glasses. Advanced Materials, 11(18), 1508-1511. External link
Pelissier, S., Blanc, D., Andrews, M. P., Najafi, S. I., Tishchenko, A. V., & Parriaux, O. (1999). Single-Step Uv Recording of Sinusoidal Surface Gratings in Hybrid Solgel Glasses. Applied Optics, 38(32), 6744-6748. External link
Shooshtari, A., Meshkinfam, P., Touam, T., Andrews, M. P., & Najafi, S. I. (1998). Ion-Exchanged Er/Yb Phosphate Glass Waveguide Amplifiers and Lasers. Optical Engineering, 37(4), 1188-1192. External link
Saravanamuttu, K., Du, X. M., Najafi, S. I., & Andrews, M. P. (1998). Photoinduced Structural Relaxation and Densification in Sol- Gel-Derived Nanocomposite Thin Films: Implications for Integrated Optics Device Fabrication. Canadian Journal of Chemistry, 76(11), 1717-1729. External link
Najafi, S. I., Touam, T., Sara, R., Andrews, M. P., & Fardad, M. A. (1998). Sol-Gel Glass Waveguide and Grating on Silicon. Journal of Lightwave Technology, 16(9), 1640-1646. External link
Touam, T., Du, X. M., Fardad, M. A., Andrews, M. P., & Najafi, S. I. (1998). Sol-Gel Glass Waveguides With Bragg Grating. Optical Engineering, 37(4), 1136-1142. External link
Touam, T., Milova, G., Saddiki, Z., Fardad, M. A., Andrews, M. P., Chrostowski, J., & Najafi, S. I. (1997). Organoaluminophosphate sol-gel silica glass thin films for integrated optics. Thin Solid Films, 307(1), 203-207. External link
Coudray, P., Chisham, J., Andrews, M. P., & Najafi, S. I. (1997). Ultraviolet light imprinted sol-gel silica glass low-loss waveguides for use at 1.55 um. Optical Engineering, 36(4), 1234-1240. External link
Fardad, M. A., Touam, T., Meshkinfam, P., Sara, R., Du, X. M., Andrews, M. P., & Najafi, S. I. (1997). UV-light imprinted Bragg grating in sol-gel ridge glass waveguide with almost 100% reflectivity. Electronics Letters, 33(12), 1069-1070. External link
Coudray, P., Chisham, J., Malek-Tabrizi, A., Li, C.-Y., Andrews, M. P., Peyghambarian, N., & Najafi, S. I. (1996). Ultraviolet light imprinted sol-gel silica glass waveguide devices on silicon. Optics Communications, 128(1-3), 19-22. External link
Gurney, J. A., Vargas-Baca, I., Andrews, M. P., Brown, A. C., & Najafi, S. I. (1998, July). Azo-dye hybrid sol-gel glass composites for optoelectronics [Paper]. Organic-Inorganic Hybrid Materials for Photonics, San Diego, CA, USA. External link
Andrews, M. P., Saravanamuttu, K., & Najafi, S. I. (1998, July). Light induced densification and mechanisms in hybrid sol-gel glasses for photonic devices [Paper]. Organic-Inorganic Hybrid Materials for Photonics, San Diego, CA, USA. External link
Touam, T., Sara, R., Andrews, M. P., & Najafi, S. I. (1998, June). Photoinscribed waveguides, devices, and gratings in polyglass on silicon [Paper]. International Optical Design Conference 1998, Kona, HI, USA. External link
Sara, R., Touam, T., Blanchetiere, C., Saddiki, Z., Saravanamuttu, K., Du, X. M., Chrostowski, J., Andrews, M. P., & Najafi, S. I. (1998, July). Photolithography fabrication of sol-gel ridge waveguides [Paper]. Organic-Inorganic Hybrid Materials for Photonics, San Diego, CA, USA. External link
Sara, R., Touam, T., Coudray, P., Andrews, M. P., & Najafi, S. I. (1998, July). Polyglass integrated optics devices for lightwave communication [Paper]. Organic-Inorganic Hybrid Materials for Photonics, San Diego, CA, USA. External link
Touam, T., Du, X. M., Fardad, M. A., Andrews, M. P., & Najafi, S. I. (1998, January). Theoretical and experimental study of ridge waveguides with Bragg grating derived from hybrid sol-gel glasses [Paper]. Photosensitive Optical Materials and Devices II, San Jose, CA, USA. External link
Meshkinfam, P., Fournier, P., Fardad, M. A., Andrews, M. P., & Najafi, S. I. (1997, February). Integrated optics Er:Yb amplifier with potassium ion-exchanged glass waveguides [Paper]. Integrated Optics Devices : Potential for Commercialization, San Jose, CA, USA. External link
Andrews, M. P., & Najafi, S. I. (1997, July). Passive and active sol gel materials and devices [Paper]. Sol-gel and polymer photonic devices Conference, San Diego, CA. Published in Critical reviews of optical science and technology, 68. Unavailable
Andrews, M. P., & Najafi, S. I. (1997, July). Passive and active sol-gel materials and devices [Paper]. Sol-Gel and Polymer Photonic Devices: A Critical Review, San Diego, CA, USA. External link
Fournier, P., Meshkinfam, P., Fardad, M. A., Andrews, M. P., & Najafi, S. I. (1997, May). Potassium ion-exchanged Er-doped phosphate glass integrated optics amplifier [Paper]. 1997 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, CLEO, Baltimore, MD, USA. External link
Andrews, M. P., Kanigan, T., & Najafi, S. I. Auto-embossed Bragg gratings from self-organizing polymers: chemical tuning of periodicity and photoinduced anisotropy [Paper]. Functional Photonic and Fiber Devices. External link
Chisham, J. E., Andrews, M. P., Li, C.-Y., Najafi, S. I., & Malek-Tabrizi, A. Gratings fabrication by ultraviolet light imprinting and embossing in a sol-gel silica glas [Paper]. Functional Photonic and Fiber Devices. External link
Fardad, M. A., Andrews, M. P., & Najafi, S. I. Novel sol-gel fabrication of integrated optical waveguides [Paper]. Integrated Optics Devices : Potential for Commercialization. External link
Najafi, S. I., Andrews, M. P., Fardad, M. A., Milova, G., Tahar, T., & Coudray, P. (1996, October). UV-light imprinted surface, ridge and buried sol-gel glass waveguides and devices on silicon [Paper]. Fiber integrated optics. Conference, Berlin, DEU. External link