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Documents dont l'auteur est "Amor, Ben"

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Aller à : 2024 | 2022 | 2021 | 2019 | 2018
Nombre de documents: 6


Kaddoura, M., Majeau-Bettez, G., Amor, B., Poirier, D., & Margni, M. (2024). Estimating and reducing dissipative losses in thermal spray: A parametrized material flow analysis approach. Journal of Cleaner Production, 450, 141978 (9 pages). Lien externe


Kaddoura, M., Majeau-Bettez, G., Amor, B., Moreau, C., & Margni, M. (2022). Investigating the role of surface engineering in mitigating greenhouse gas emissions of energy technologies: An outlook towards 2100. Sustainable Materials and Technologies, 32, e00425 (9 pages). Disponible


Boulay, A.-M., Lesage, P., Amor, B., & Pfister, S. (2021). Quantifying uncertainty for AWARE characterization factors. Journal of Industrial Ecology, 25(6), 1588-1601. Lien externe


Pradinaud, C., Northey, S., Amor, B., Bare, J., Benini, L., Berger, M., Boulay, A.-M., Junqua, G., Lathuilliere, M. J., Margni, M., Motoshita, M., Niblick, B., Payen, S., Pfister, S., Quinteiro, P., Sonderegger, T., & Rosenbaum, R. K. (2019). Defining freshwater as a natural resource: a framework linking water use to the area of protection natural resources. International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment, 24(5), 960-974. Lien externe

Koffler, C., Amor, B., Carbajales-Dale, M., Cascio, J., Conroy, A., Fava, J. A., Gaudreault, C., Gloria, T., Hensler, C., Horvath, A., Humbert, S., Manzardo, A., Margni, M., Osset, P., Sinistore, J., Vigon, B., Wallace, M. L., Wang, M., & Prox, M. (2019). On the reporting and review requirements of ISO 14044. International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment, 25(3), 478-482. Lien externe


Pradinaud, C., Northey, S. A., Amor, B., Bare, J., Benini, L., Berger, M., Boulay, A.-M., Junqua, G., Lathuilliere, M., Margni, M., Motoshita, M., Niblick, B., Payen, S., Pfister, S., Quinteiro, P., Sonderegger, T., & Rosenbaum, R. (mai 2018). Adding the resource dimension to the WULCA framework on assessing freshwater use in LCA [Affiche]. ETAC Europe 28th Annual Meeting: Responsible and Innovative Research for Environmental Quality, Rome, Italy. Non disponible

Liste produite: 21 janvier 2025 à 07 h 44.