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Ammara, I., Masson, C., & Paraschivoiu, I. (juin 1997). 3-D aerodynamic method for the analysis of isolated horizontal-axis wind turbines [Communication écrite]. Annual Conference and Exhibition of the American Wind Energy Association (WindPower 1997). Non disponible

Ammara, I., Masson, C., & Paraschivoiu, I. (1996). Effects of distributed surface roughness on the linear stability of laminar boundary layers. Canadian aeronautics and space journal, 42(4), 207-212. Non disponible

Ammara, I., Masson, C., & Paraschivoiu, I. (mai 1995). Stability of boundary layer over rough surfaces [Communication écrite]. 5th CASI Aerodynamics Symposium, Montréal, Québec. Non disponible

Liste produite: Sat Feb 22 03:24:10 2025 EST.