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Amiot, S., Jerbi, A., Lachapelle-Trouillard, X., Frédette, C., Labrecque, M., & Comeau, Y. (2020). Optimization of the wastewater treatment capacity of a short rotation willow coppice vegetation filter. Ecological Engineering, 158. Available
Amiot, S. (2020). Optimisation de la capacité de traitement des eaux usées municipales des plantations filtrantes de saules [Master's thesis, Polytechnique Montréal]. Available
Jerbi, A., Brereton, N. J. B., Amiot, S., Lachapelle-Trouillard, X., Comeau, Y., Pitre, F. E., & Labrecque, M. (2020). High biomass yield increases in a primary effluent wastewater phytofiltration are associated to altered leaf morphology and stomatal size in Salix miyabeana. Science of the Total Environment, 738. Available