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Amini, V., & Mamdoohi, A. R. (février 2013). Sensitivity analysis of bibycle use applying binary logit model [Communication écrite]. 13th International Conference on Traffic & Transportation Engineering, Tehran, Iran. Non disponible


Mamdoohi, A. R., & Amini, V. (2015). An analysis of supply level impacts on cycling in work & education trips. Transportation Engineering Journal, 6(2), 341-354. Lien externe

Mamdoohi, A. R., & Amini, V. (juillet 2015). A bicycle demand model for a sample of Tehran [Communication écrite]. 18th Meeting of the EURO Working Group on Transportation, Delft, Netherlands. Non disponible

Mamdoohi, A. R., & Amini, V. (2014). A quantitative analysis of gender impact on the propensity to travel by bike. Transportation Research Journal, 11(2), 193-206. Non disponible

Liste produite: Sat Feb 22 02:53:37 2025 EST.