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Amini, D., Maghoul, P., Holländer, H., & Bilodeau, J.-P. (2023). A critical state-based thermo-elasto-viscoplastic constitutive model for thermal creep deformation of frozen soils. Acta Geotechnica, 19 pages. Lien externe

Amini, D., Maghoul, P., & Pouya, A. (avril 2023). Multi-stage Thermal Creep Characteristics of Frozen Tailings [Communication écrite]. Rocscience International Conference (RIC 2023). Lien externe

Amini, D., Maghoul, P., Perret, D., & Gatmiri, B. (2022). Simulation files to accompany the manuscript "Two-dimensional basin-scale seismic site effects in the Kitimat Valley, British Columbia, Canada: A practical example of using a fast hybrid FE/BE method" [Ensemble de données]. Lien externe

Amini, D., Maghoul, P., Perret, D., & Gatmiri, B. (2022). Two-dimensional basin-scale seismic site effects in the Kitimat Valley, British Columbia, Canada: A practical example of using a fast hybrid FE/ BE method. Engineering Geology, 310, 106872 (18 pages). Lien externe

Amini, D., Gatmiri, B., & Maghoul, P. (2021). Seismic response of alluvial valleys subject to oblique incidence of shear waves. Journal of Earthquake Engineering, 26(12), 6304-6328. Lien externe

Amini, D., Liu, H., & Maghoul, P. (avril 2021). Seismic site effect investigation for future moonquake-resistant structures by considering geometrical and geotechnical characteristics of lunar bases [Communication écrite]. 17th Biennial International Conference on Engineering, Science, Construction, and Operations in Challenging Environments (Earth and Space), Seattle, Washington. Lien externe

Amini, D., & Maghoul, P. (2021). SiteQUAKE: An open source software for 2D seismic site effect analyses. Canadian Geotechnique – The CGS Magazine (Winter). Non disponible

Liste produite: Sat Feb 22 02:46:55 2025 EST.